•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Patch 9.1 removes breaks between PvP brawls

Since their introduction in WoW Legion, PvP brawls have been a pleasant change of pace from everyday PvP in the arenas and battlegrounds. And they are not only popular with PvP players. Even those who don't usually have much to do with fighting other players can definitely have fun here. Because the brawls are far from serious and shine with sometimes abstruse content or even with PvP against the AI (perfect for farming honor, by the way).

Now, with patch 9.1, three old brawls that had been disabled in the meantime for various reasons are returning, which increases the amount of possible content again. This, along with popularity, is likely another reason why the developers are now making the brawls available more often.

No more break between brawls

WoW: Patch 9.1 removes pauses between PvP brawls (2) Source: buffed Until now, after a brawl has been active for a week, it is followed by a week's break before moving on to the next brawl. This will no longer be the case in patch 9.1. The pause between brawls will be removed. If a brawl ends and remains active for exactly one week, the next one will begin immediately.

Unfortunately, the developers were more attentive this time than in the past. So you could already the one or other time an upcoming patch or expansion based on calendar entries something to narrow down. But this time they just changed the whole system and also retroactively just adjusted all dates. So we can only continue to speculate about the release of the patch.

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