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World of Warcraft

WoW TBC Classic: Phase 2 is on the PTR - with Epic flightform quest line!

Last weekend, there was a rough announcement from Lead Producer Holly Longdale that Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic would be landing on the public test server soon. A few days later, we can now confirm: Yup, the upcoming TBC Classic content is now available for test rounds on the PTR. The official announcement also tells us what's included in Phase 2:


Destroy the mad Lady Vashj and her vile minions in her wet lair - the Serpentshrine Cave.

  • Raid bosses: 6
  • Level: 70
  • Location: The Lizard Cauldron, Zangarmarchs


Penetrate the heart of a crystalline fortress to end the madness that has corrupted Kael'thas Sunwalker and his depraved loyalists.

  • Raid Bosses: 4
  • Level: 70
  • Location: Fortress of Storms, Netherstorm


Take down your faction's enemies on the battlefield as Arena Season 2 begins! Winning players will earn Arena Points that can be traded in for better gear to take on opponents with similar abilities.


Ally with the Ogri'la and Skyguard of Sha'tari factions in Outland. Complete daily quests to gain the favor of these factions and earn lucrative rewards.


Use the Guild Bank to share loot from raids and dungeons with your guildmates! This in-game storage space allows guild members to take out or store items and currency. This will help you keep track of what consumable items you have on hand (or need to get) for your next group activity.


Find like-minded players and new friends with Group Search. Simply enter your class and specialization so that your realm's party leaders can invite you to join their party or raid.

However, this feature list is not complete. We can already confirm that the following two new features have also landed on the PTR:

  • The eleven new recipes for epic engineer goggles.
  • The quest line that allows druids to earn the epic flight form. You need to be level 70 and have the Riding skill 300 (Skilled Rider) to start the quest line in Moonglade.
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