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World of Warcraft

WoW Classic: Lag-fest in the evening - This is how much is happening on the German servers

A little more than five weeks have passed since our last inventory. By now, most guilds or raid alliances from WoW Classic should have mastered the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. But what will happen after the victory over the Old God C'Thun? Is it time to take a break or are the preparations for Classic Phase 6 and Naxxramas fully motivated?

If I take a look at my environment on Razorfen, then two insights remain from the last weeks. Realization No. 1: In the last weeks more and more players stopped playing Classic or at least took a break. At least one ambitious Progress guild did not survive. Finding No. 2: In the evenings, however, there is still so much going on at the most important nodes that there is often a lag-fest to celebrate. In some zones, like Stranglethorn Valley, the performance was even reminiscent of Zul'Gurub's launch night, when nothing worked for about an hour. A separate forum post on the subject documents the problems.

But what do the statistics from the Ironforge.pro site tell us? How do the populations on the (German) Classic servers turn out when we compare them to the numbers from August? Note that the site takes the logs on Warcraft Logs Classic as a basis to find out how many players were actively playing WoW (buy now €14.99 ) Classic (in the Raid section) in the last week - the last update was for the period September 21, 2020 to September 27, 2020. Here are our findings:

  • Most players hang out on the US PvP servers Whitemane and Arugal: 9,889 (in August 9,679) and 8,956 characters were counted there, respectively.
  • The largest EU server is Gehennas with 8,170 (7,835) characters.
  • The largest German Classic server is still Venoxis with 7,311 (7,612) active characters (with a faction distribution of 44 percent Alliance and 56 percent Horde).
  • Lucifron has 3,984 (4,342) active characters (with 100 percent Horde).
  • Everlook comes to 6,669 (6,602) active characters (at 72 percent Alliance and 28 percent Horde)
  • Razorfen has 4,569 (4,917) active characters (at 60 percent Alliance and 40 percent Horde)
  • Dragon's Call has 4,218 (4,481) active characters (39 percent Alliance and 61 percent Horde)
  • Lakeshire reaches 3,873 (3,719) active characters (67 percent Alliance and 33 percent Horde)
  • Patchwerk has 4,998 (5,195) active characters (38 percent Alliance and 62 percent Horde)
  • Transcendence has 4,128 (4,186) active characters (44 percent Alliance and 56 percent Horde)
  • Heartstriker has 3,593 (3,723) active characters (98 percent Alliance and 2 percent Horde)
  • Unfortunately, there is again no data for Celebras.

If you want to find out more about the class distributions on your server, you just have to click on the server name on the website. The most popular classes on Razorfen read something like this:

  1. Warrior with 18.7 percent (Alliance) / 20.6 percent (Horde)
  2. Mage with 15.3 percent / 14.4 percent
  3. Priest with 13.6 percent / 13.5 percent
  4. Rogues with 12 percent / Shamans with 13 percent
  5. Hunter with 11 percent / Rogue with 10.6 percent
  6. Paladin with 10.1 percent / Hunter with 10.2 percent
  7. Warlock with 9.8 percent / 9.9 percent
  8. Druid with 9.5 percent / 7.8 percent

How does it currently look on your Classic server: Completely overcrowded? Optimally populated? Already too empty? Tell us in the comments!

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