•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW BC Classic: Hotfix at the AH should prevent lags - at the expense of professional traders

The auction house plays a big role in WoW. In BC Classic it is even more important than in Shadowlands, because the products of the craftsmen, for example, play a greater role and the trade between the characters is generally more important. Of course it's stupid if the AH is only limited usable. But this was the case again and again in the past days. The auction house suffered from heavy lags, which made it difficult to buy and sell goods. But that should now be a thing of the past. Because the developers of Blizzard have taken care of this problem.

Some technical improvements were made, which should speed up the speed of the search in the auction house. In contrast, players who use addons to manage large numbers of auctions will have to live with shorter delays between their actions.

So in practice, it seems that the system will prioritize "normal" players and their requests when processing. The few professional traders, on the other hand, will be the ones to suffer. But since most of their actions are done automatically by addons like TSM, they will be able to live with this.

Auction House Updates

With hotfixes earlier today that are in place on all realms, we've implemented updates to address Auction House service issues on the largest Burning Crusade Classic realms.

In today's hotfixes update later, you'll see them listed like this:

Auction House

  • Implemented settings changes intended to lower the time it takes to search the Auction House.
  • Players who list, bid, buy out, or cancel a very large number of auctions may now incur a delay between consecutive actions.

As before, we're paying very close attention to the Auction Houses, and we'll make further adjustments as necessary.

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