WoW Classic: Hotfixes from June 5, 2020 - Patch Notes

After the release of Phase 4 of World of Warcraft Classic with the Zul'Gurub raid, the next bug fixes and adjustments in the form of hotfixes were applied to the live servers today.
Until the German patch notes are released, you can read the English patch notes below. Hotfixes are updates that are applied server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, while others will only take effect after an announced realm restart. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch. Our World of Warcraft Classic overview page with the latest news, specials, and videos can be found here.
WoW Classic: Hotfixes as of June 5, 2020
When using Advanced Combat Logging, the presence of various world buffs (e.g. Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer) will now be consistently recorded when starting a raid encounter. Players who are interacting with their mailbox or bank can no longer be interrupted by trade requests.
More information, specials and videos about World of Warcraft (buy now 24,99 € ) can be found on our WoW theme page.
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