•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW: Limit vs. Method - US guild with competition event to the World First Race

Whenever a new raid opens in WoW (buy now €14.99 ), thousands of guilds and their members brace themselves for the new bosses. For a small part of the gaming community, however, it doesn't just count to defeat the bosses on the highest difficulty level, they fight for the World First - that is, they want to be the first group worldwide to defeat a boss. What was a small competition between pro guilds a few years ago has become more and more of a big event in the recent past. One of the main reasons for this is probably that the guilds no longer play in secret so as not to reveal their tactics to any competitors, but now let the whole world participate in their race thanks to Twitch streams.
Method, formerly just a WoW guild, but now a large Esport organization, has taken the whole thing even further. There, some of the players play in a studio and there is 24/7 coverage of the current progress. The viewers not only get to see various perspectives of the Method players, but also of other, friendly guilds.

Source: Limit Source: Limitc

A similar event is now being held by one of Method's biggest competitors. The US guild Limit, which recently merged with the esports organization Complexity and is now officially called Complexity-Limit, will also provide live coverage of the World First Race. Just like Method, some players will gather at a special location - in this case, Complexity's headquarters, the GameStop Performance Center in Frisco, Texas. They also don't just rely on their own players, but also show live images of other US guilds, such as Big Dumb Guild, FatSharkYes or Club Camel, one of the few alliance guilds. The European guild Pieces does not provide live pictures, but apparently also supports the stream with selected video material.

So when the race for World First gets underway, interested viewers now have a choice between two great events.

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