17th birthday of WoW: Devil's Rabbit comes to Tanaris! Loot preview

How quickly time flies! On November 23, 2004, the U.S. servers of World of Warcraft went online for the first time. Although WoW was not officially released in Europe until February 11, 2005, Blizzard traditionally celebrates the birthday of the popular MMO in November. This year, too, the developers have come up with something special for the 17th birthday. To celebrate, the World of Warcraft team is mixing up many different themes from the past few years to create a cool WoW cocktail.
00:18WoW: New store mount sun warmed fur ball in video
Dataminers have discovered some exciting information about WoW's birthday celebration in the big data pool (via Icy Veins). This year, we can expect an adventure in Tanaris, the desert area in the south of Kalimdor. The Burning Legion will pay a visit to Azeroth for one week on November 15
. Thus, the gigantic devil hunter will hunt down unwary heroes in the desert of Tanaris. WoW veterans remember the robot monster especially from the good old TBC times. The Devil Bunny roamed the Hellfire Peninsula or waited for brave heroes as a world boss in front of the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley.New rewards await
Exactly how and why the devilish construct came to the desert, no one knows. Rumor has it that the Bronze Dragonflight accidentally summoned the monstrosity to Azeroth. The model that dataminers recently discovered is identical to the classic Devil Hatcher from The Burning Crusade. Those who defeat the Devil Bunny can look forward to WoW's 17th Anniversary achievement and cool loot:
The Devil's Skinner makes Tanaris unsafe.
Source: Icy Veins
Doomwalker Trophy StandSummon
a trophy signifying your defeat of the Doomwalker.
(5 Min Cooldown)
- Drop: Doomwalker
- Zone: Tanaris
- Event: WoW 17th Anniversary
The Illidari Dragon Falcon drops from the Devil's Lark World Boss.
Source: Icy Veins
Illidari Doomhawk
Teaches you how to summon this mount. This is a flying mount.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Illidari Doomhawk.
"Once a year, a rift in time appears, and strange things occur. The Illidari scouts and Doomwalker were quite surprised to find themselves in Tanaris."
- Drop: Doomwalker
- Zone: Tanaris
- Event: WoW 17th Anniversary
Fashion fans can also look forward to a special Transmog treat. Akama's Edge are the weapons of the legendary Shattered Akama, who betrayed his master Illidan Stormrage in TBC and led our heroes to the top of the Black Temple where the devious demon hunter set up camp.
Akama's Sickle is a BoE drop. If you weren't lucky with loot, you can buy the weapon later in the auction house.
Source: Icy Veins
Also this year, players who log in during the festivities will get a Token Celebration Package
Pet collectors will also get their money's worth during the birthday event. A merchant will be waiting for you in the Caves of Time to sell a new pet:
The Mechanical Dragon Puppy is a perfect match for the Mount Steam Shed Asher.
Source: Icy Veins
Timeless Mechanical Dragonling
"Dragons come in all types of temporal classification -- timeless, time-lost, and even infinite. "
The cute mechanical dragon will cost you 200 time-distorted badges. You can also buy some equipment for your Twinks from him. The location of the merchant and the cost of the tokens are still unknown. We will inform you as soon as there is news!
Will you be at this year's WoW birthday party (buy it now for €14.99)
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