•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW: Roam through Azeroth - Kalimdor announced

After years of Blizzard telling WoW lore outside of the online role-playing game almost exclusively through novels, comics, short stories and the Chronicles, the developers have been breaking new ground for some time. The book Streifzug durch Azeroth: Die Östlichen Königreiche

combined the advantages of an artbook with a mixture of narrative and explanations of the peculiarities of the eastern side of Azeroth.

Now comes the second volume of the forays, this time focusing on the continent of Kalimdor. Similar to its predecessor, "Ramble through Azeroth: Kalimdor" will also deal with the flora and fauna as well as selected artifacts, this time logically on Kalimdor. Whether we will be able to roam through Azeroth with Finn Schönwind and Mathias Shaw again - as in the first volume - is still unknown. Blizzard has only published a preliminary cover and a short description of the volume (translation by us):

"In the second volume of Blizzard Entertainment's lore book series, Ramble Through Azeroth, readers embark on a perilous journey through the lush and vibrant expanses of Kalimdor to learn the secrets of the land.Leave no stone unturned as the WoW team reveals the history, impressions, and breathtaking landscapes of well-known and beloved places, as well as others long forgotten."
WoW: Roam through Azeroth - Kalimdor announced (2) Source: Blizzard

"Streifzug durch Azeroth: Kalimdor" will be released in the English language version on October 21, 2021. It remains to be seen when a German version will be released. However, you can already pre-order the English version for 16.59 Euros on Amazon.

We also assume that this second volume will not be the last in the Streifzug series. After all, there are still plenty of continents on Azeroth that are suitable for this special mixture of artbook, novel and non-fiction book. Maybe next time we'll go to Northrend?


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