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WoW Classic

WoW Classic: Naxxramas - Raid tests starting on the PTR on 4.11.

Update November 4On the WoW Classic PTR, the next Naxxramas raid tests will begin this Wednesday, November 4, 2020. The target is Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad in the so-called Frostwyrm Hoard of the Necropolis.

Update October 23On the WoW Classic PTR, the next Naxxramas raid tests will begin this Friday, October 23, 2020. The target will be Patchworks, Grobbulus, Gluth, and Thaddius in the so-called Construct Quarter of Necropolis.


Update October 21On the WoW Classic PTR, the next Naxxramas raid tests will begin this Wednesday, October 21, 2020. The target is Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, and Loatheb in the so-called Plague Quarter of Necropolis.


The developers have made the following minor adjustments to the test environment:

  • Johnny McWeaksauce is now available in all capitals (near the bank) to help players teleport to Naxxramas.The buff in Naxxramas has been reduced to prevent groups from skipping mechanics that the developers would like to see tested. However, the buff is still a great benefit to ensure pick-up groups can test.

Update October 16On the WoW Classic PTR, the next Naxxramas raid tests will begin this Friday, October 16, 2020. The target is Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina, and Maexxna in the so-called Spider Quarter of Necropolis.


  • Anub'RekhanGrand Widow FaerlinaMaexxna

Original newsThe legendary Johnny McWeaksauce is back! On the WoW Classic PTR, the first Naxxramas raid tests will begin this Thursday, October 15, 2020. The target is Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvester, and The Four Horsemen in the so-called Military Quarter of Necropolis. There is no specific time.


  • Instructor RazuviousGothik the HarvesterThe Four Horsemen.

Known Problems:

  • The encounter with Gothik the Harvester may not clean up properly after a wipe.

This test is very flexible and subject to the realities of a testing environment. Developers may need to reschedule a test session, change the bosses being tested, or cancel a test entirely due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thanks in advance for testing and providing your feedback.

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?A: To make testing easier and faster, there is an NPC named Johnny McWeaksauce who has temporarily taken up residence in Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. He will be offering players the required Naxxramas attunement and instant teleportation into the Naxxramas raid. Johnny's brother Jimmy is located in the raid zone and provides access to consumables and reagents.

Q: Can I test with less than a full, content-ready raid party?A: During the raid, a Zone Aura will be present to give players a significant health and damage boost to help them overcome the challenges of Naxxramas. The goal of this raid test is not to provide a challenge that perfectly matches what the developers expect when the raid goes live. The intent is to execute boss mechanics and give the developers confidence that the raid encounters will behave as expected. Further, they hope that even if you can't get a full 40-person raid together, you will also be able to participate as a random group and make considerable progress in the raid if you so choose.

Please use the in-game bug reporter to submit any bug reports or issues you encounter while testing the PTR.

In the following image gallery you can find the official preview images from Blizzard (June 2006), the voting quest to enter the raid via the teleporter in the Eastern Plaguelands, and a first attempt with random players on the then test realm (PTR) for Naxxramas.

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