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World of Warcraft

WoW Classic: Exploit for Zul'Gurub enchantments no longer possible

Update from April 21:
You may have already read it in our hotfix news: Blizzard's developers didn't take too long for their investigation and already eliminated the potential exploit last night.From now on, it is no longer possible to use Zul'Gurub enchantments if your character doesn't have the correct class or a level lower than 60.

Those who had used this exploit in the last few days now have a worthless enchantment on their equipment item, which is still displayed in the tooltip, but which no longer has any effect. Those affected can, of course, replace this old enchantment with a new one appropriate for their class. In the near future, another hotfix will follow, which already makes the exchange of enchantments impossible.

Original news from April 20:
With Phase 4 and the opening of the 20-player Zul'Gurub raid , new enchantments have landed on the WoW (buy now €14.99 ) Classic live servers for you to slap on your shoulder, head, and pants pieces. Classic wouldn't be Classic, however, if these enchantments were optimally balanced across all classes and playstyles. For example, offensive warriors won't benefit from their pants and head enchantments with defense and shield block value. And every warlock will definitely look enviously at the enchantment of the mages with the bonus for the spell hit chance.

But although every class has its own enchantment, the players have found a way to enchant the enhancements on helmets and pants and then push them into the hands of other characters


We won't reveal exactly how this works at this point, just this much: there are several players on the forums and on Reddit who report that even some low-level noble PvP twinks are said to have already been equipped with ZG enchantments.

In a post on WoW's official forums last night, WoW developer Pazorax

spoke up:

Blizzard has taken notice of the corresponding reports and is currently investigating the case. Pazorax recommends everyone to stop using this exploit. Those who take advantage of it risk that the enchantment is simply removed and thus wasted.

Incidentally, some players admit that this exploit was already exploited in vanilla WoW, just not in such large numbers as now. Accordingly, these argue that Blizzard should not make any adjustments here. What do you think? As soon as there is an official update, we will of course keep you informed.

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