WoW: Torghast opens wings 7 and 8 - more soul ash available

Torghast is a divisive issue in WoW Shadowlands. Some players love the new mode and fight with passion with several characters through the six levels of the various corridors and hallways. Others, on the other hand, give the new feature a wide berth or only visit it to gather the necessary soul ash. After all, if you want to craft a legendary item in the Shadowlands, you can't avoid Torghast. Even if you were to earn all the soul ash through the adventuring system, you'd have to go in to unlock the runemason.
With the upcoming ID change, Torghast will now get further supplies. After the first six corridors of the corridors were unlocked, the corridors 7 & 8 will now open. This of course increases the amount of soul ash you can earn. However, the previous corridors were already quite difficult to master for some players. The final two corridors will probably increase the difficulty significantly. By the way, if you have problems on your own, we recommend that you visit as a group with a tank and a healer. That makes things much easier. It's even easier for tanks and healers alone, since the enemies' health points are then scaled down considerably.
You can earn the following amount of soul ash from the next ID:
- Level 1: 120 soul ash
- Level 2: 100 soul ash
- Level3: 85 soul ash
- Level4: 70 soul ash
- Level5: 60 soul ash
- Level6: 50 soul ash
- Level7: 45 soul ash
- Level8: 40 soul ash
Once you've fought your way to the top, you'll be allowed to start directly on the highest level you've already successfully completed in the following weeks, as usual, and you'll get all the rewards of the lower levels directly in addition.
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