•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Patch 9.0.5 brings great comfort updates for the Gluthof

The Gluthof der Venthyr in WoW Shadowlands is a lot of fun - but also a lot of work. Because if you want to entertain your guests at your parties, you not only have to win their favor over and over again, but also stock up on supplies. This can take quite a bit of time, especially if you're trying to get multiple characters through the Gluthof events.

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Patch 9.0.5: The developers have added two special items to the test server that will make it much easier for you to prepare for your next Gluthof party:
  • Restock and Repair, Tips and Tricks for Keeping the Party Going - Your Grave Butler will now independently take on the more tedious party planning tasks of restocking supplies and taking care of any repairs that are due.
  • Permanent RSVP - The guest will be permanently unlocked for all characters on the account. You do not need to unlock them separately for each ember.

Currently, it is still unclear how you can unlock these two items. Wowhead's dataminers assume that the items will be linked to a certain Gluthof achievement or reputation level. In addition, the tooltip on the permanent invite indicates that you will receive a separate invite per Gluthof guest. You may receive this item after making a guest your best friend.

Both items have the advantage that their bonuses are account-wide. You only need to meet the requirements for the items once to enjoy their benefits with all characters on your account who have joined the Venthyr.

Source: WowheadSupport

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