•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

60 euros for 60 levels! WoW with new character boost for the impatient

Although the preview video for WoW patch 9.2 was the focus last night, there was also an announcement for the live version of WoW: Shadowlands. Blizzard now offers a character upgrade to level 60 (previously level 50) for WoW: Shadowlands. The official announcement reads as follows:

"At some point during their adventures, every hero comes to the point where they need a helping hand to get back into the fray. With the Level 60 Character Upgrade *, you can instantly upgrade one of your characters to level 60 once, ready to jump into the latest Shadowlands content and prepare to continue the story in End of Eternity. Get your hero back in shape and ready for your next exciting adventure!"

In the store, the jump to level 60 costs a whopping 60 Euros. If the boost is worth the money, however, you still have to fulfill a few requirements or observe restrictions:

  • You must have an active WoW subscription
  • You need WoW (buy now 14,99 € ): Shadowlands
  • The boost does not work for Classic characters
  • The upgrade does not unlock the character's Tradition armor

So, to upgrade your hero to level 60, you must first purchase a character upgrade via the store. After that, a character upgrade button will appear at the top of the character selection screen, which you can click. Follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade your character and select individual options (such as talent specialization). Your new level 60 character will be properly equipped and ready to fight right after the upgrade. However, upgraded characters will not be able to enter dungeons and raids from past expansions for 24 hours.

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