•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: New character customizations for allied races in Blizzard preview

For the Allied Races, WoW Patch 9.1.5 comes with many new design options for eyes, hairstyles, accessories, and lots of new hair and skin colors. In the official blog, the WoW developers present the latest character customizations for the Nightborn, Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves.

With the release of content update 9.1.5, players will receive new character customization options for select races, allowing them to create a new version of their hero to take on the dangers of Azeroth. These new character customizations are available for Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Nightborn, and Void Elves during character creation and from the in-game Barber. You will be able to choose new jewelry, new tattoos, new haircuts, and more.

Here are a few examples of the options that will be available to you:

Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard Source: Blizzard

Nightborn can also use a new feature that makes their hands glow by selecting the "Glowing Hands" option during character creation or from the in-game barber. Nightborn get magical hands. Source: Blizzard

WoW: Allied Peoples - Quick unlock guide in video

New looks bring a breath of fresh air!

We have already reported about the new design options for the Allied Races

in recent weeks. However, the communication with the WoW community took place in the official forum during that time. In exchange with the players, the developers have further adjusted the looks of the Allied Races. For example, the Nightborn will get glowing hands with patch 9.1.5, while the Void Elves can look forward to natural skin and hair colors.

What do you think of the upcoming character customizations for the Allied Races? Did you have any specific requests for the respective looks? And which ally race should Blizzard focus on next?

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