•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Rextroy defeats Ny'alotha boss Ma'ut solo - thanks to versatility

The well-known WoW player Rextroy continues to use the final phase of WoW: Battle for Azeroth to show himself and the entire WoW community again and again what is possible in Azeroth. His latest victim: Ma'ut, a raid boss in the raid instance Ny'alotha.

Rextroy managed to defeat the raid creep in a little less than 17 minutes. Solo, of course. The kill video can be found below, and below the recording, the player explains what it took to survive the rage state, where the boss deals 500 percent (!) more damage, for several minutes.

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  • He used every opportunity to generate versatility for his character. He ended up with 160 percent versatility, which gave him an 80 percent damage reduction.
  • This high value was possible thanks in part to Conflict and Discord.
  • He took selected trash opponents into battle to best benefit from the Last Defender talent => 50 percent damage reduction.
  • The azerite power Bulwark of Light created another increase in survivability.
  • Rextroy used Vector Analysis for 30 percent evasion.

Despite these preparatory measures, Rextroy's health kept plummeting. A remarkable achievement, isn't it?!

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