•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: How a cryptocurrency was created from a wizard nerf

Bitcoin and Co. have still not reached the center of society as a means of payment, but it is hard to imagine the financial world without them today. The virtual cryptocurrencies offer a whole range of advantages over standard currencies, but also some disadvantages. Anyone who has wanted to buy a graphics card in recent years probably knows what we're talking about. But all does not detract from the continued success of bitcoins. And NFTs continue to be heavy in commerce as well. Non-fungible tokens, i.e. digitally protected and unique objects, which are likely to be increasingly used in video games in the future.

Who would have thought that WoW would have made a not inconsiderable contribution to the triumph of cryptos? Although this story has not been a secret for a long time, it has passed us (and probably you) by until now.

Vitalik Buterin is a Russian living in Canada, who pursued his passion for WoW excessively for many years. Until the tragic day when the developers decided to revise his beloved spell Life Drain and remove the damage component at the time. According to his own account, he cried himself to sleep after that and also realized the horror that centralized systems like WoW, where a single person can have so much influence over the clientele, can bring. A short time later, he turned his back on WoW.
WoW: How a cryptocurrency was created from a wizard nerf (1) Source: Pixabay
So when he stumbled across Bitcoin and Co. on a new sense of purpose for his life, he was immediately hooked and plunged head over heels into the then relatively unknown technology that, thanks to decentralization, would prevent the very scenario he disliked so much about WoW. Over the years, Vitalik dove deeper and deeper into the matter and recognized the flaws that Bitcoin had in his eyes and decided to set up a better competition with Ethereum, on which most NFT systems are based today. The rest is history. Ethereum is now the second largest cryptocurrency and in the eyes of many experts the most promising for the future.

Here is Vitalik Buterin's original statement at about.me:

I was born in 1994 in Russia and moved to Canada in 2000, where I went to school. I happily played World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ) during 2007-2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit.

In 2011, searching for a new purpose in life, I discovered Bitcoin. At first, I was skeptical, and did not understand how it could possibly have value without physical backing. But slowly I became more and more interested. I started writing for a blog called Bitcoin Weekly initially at a meek wage of $1.5 per hour, and soon with Mihai Alisie cofounded Bitcoin Magazine.

In 2012, I entered the University of Waterloo; in 2013 I realized that crypto projects were taking up 30h/week of my time, so I dropped out. I went around the world, explored many crypto projects, and finally realized that they were all too concerned about specific applications and not being sufficiently general - hence the birth of Ethereum, which has been taking up my life ever since.

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