•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Korthian gear - The Stygia catch-up gear from Korthia

Korthia is the new quest area in patch 9.1, where you can expect the new reputation faction Death's Advance, where newcomers, stragglers, and twinks can upgrade their item level with Korthian gear. For 1,000 Stygia, you will receive an Armor Token, via which you will receive a random Item Level 200 item. This Korthian armor token is Blizzard account-bound and can be sent to your Twinks with it. Items that have already been converted are soulbound, and you can only send the token.
Duchess Mynx (Armorer of the Advance of Death faction) will sell you the Korthian Equipment). Source: buffed Korthian equipment can be upgraded to item level 233 by the NPC Scholar's Assistant Kah-Vez (coordinates 62/21, Korthia). The upgrades do not require Valor Points, however, but a brand new resource called Catalogued Research. The resource and upgrade levels are tied to a new faction or NPC.

Archivist Roh-Suir is located right next to Kah-Vez forms the new faction "The Archivist Codex". You can turn in relics to him and convert the relics into Catalogued Research. You can get the relics from various sources in Korthia (quests, rare mobs, treasure, etc.). The more relics you give him, the more research levels you unlock. There are six research levels in total. Each level up will let you upgrade your Korthian equipment further, until it can eventually be upgraded to item level 233 at level 6. In the table below you can see at which level upgrades are possible and how much the upgrade costs.

This is how much Catalogued Research upgrades cost for Korthian equipment

Upgrade LevelItemlevelCostUnlocked by
Rank 2207250 Catalogued ResearchRequires you to finish Scholar Roh-Sur's questline starting with the quest Interrupt the Interrogations.
Rank 3213750 Catalogued ResearchRequires you to finish Scholar Roh-Sur's questline starting with the quest Interrupt the Interrogations.
Rank 42201,250 Catalogued ResearchRequires you to finish Scholar Roh-Sur's questline starting with the quest Interrupt the Interrogations.
Rank 52261,750 Catalogued ResearchRequires Renown 61 and Research Report: Adaptive Alloys available at Tier 6 Research with the Archivist's Codex.
Rank 62332,250 Catalogued ResearchRequires Renown 75 and Research Report: First Alloys available at Tier 6 Research with the Archivist's Codex.

Update 5/17/21: The new Cataloged Research currency can be used to upgrade Stygia Catch-Up gear to item level 233. Cataloged Research is obtained via the daily quests in Korthia when you help the Doom Scribes in their endeavors. With item level 233, you're almost ready for the mythic tasks of the new raid or giving your Twink good gear for dungeons. You can upgrade from the usual NPCs in your Pact Sanctuary or from the PvP upgrader. Below are the requirements and prices for upgrading Stygia gear.

Source: wowhead.comSupport

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