•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Cosplayer inspires with Tyrande & High Inquisitor Whitemane Cosplay

In today's cosplay issue we would like to present you a particularly detailed costume by cosplayer Narga-Lifestream. Her interpretation of Tyrande Wisperwind - a high priestess of the goddess Elune - is extremely well done. Be it her numerous accessories in her hair or the magnificent feather adornment on her arms - the realization shows a certain love for detail and leaves us marveling. But see for yourself:

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Who is Narga Lifestream?

Natasha is a Russian cosplayer from St. Petersburg, Russia, who has been involved in cosplay and costuming since 2008. Her entire portfolio can be found at Deviantart - including some other high profile WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) icons like Sally Whitemane, eben Tyrande or even Jaina Proudmoore herself.

Even though the artist focuses her work on the WoW universe, she has also been able to stage some icons from other franchises. Ciri from The Witcher is also part of her repertoire, as well as Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil series.

On her YouTube channel, she puts certain costumes in the spotlight even more beautifully, as you can observe in the following High Inquisito Whitemane video.

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What is cosplay?

Cosplay is part of the Japanese pop culture and with the big Manga boom anchored in the European area. Cosplayers are mostly present at commercial conventions as well as cosplay-specific manga fairs.

Whoever thinks that cosplaying only has to do with costuming - is sorely mistaken


The art of costuming is extremely diverse. Starting from sewing to the styling of wigs as well as posing for photographs, everything is involved. When it comes to cosplay, the following applies: a beautiful costume does not have to be expensive - this depends greatly on the materials used.

How do you like the work of cosplayer Narga-Livestream? Write us in the comments!

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