•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: The mentor program is here - help the up-and-coming players!

With the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, Blizzard is doing everything it can to improve WoW not only for established players, but also to make the MMORPG interesting for complete newcomers. Of course, this includes guiding new players in their first steps into the vast and complex world of Azeroth. Otherwise, they will quickly lose the overview and thus the desire. According to Ion Hazzikostas, only a fraction of new players ever reached level 20 or higher. But all that is about to change. Thanks to the Island of the Banished, new players will get a better introduction to the game, where they will be introduced to the game and its mechanics slowly and clearly. But even after that, the newbies should not be left alone. And that's exactly why the mentor program was created, which came to the live servers with the pre-patch.

Experienced players who meet certain conditions can register for the program with an NPC in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and participate. Afterwards, you will be given access to a special chat channel, where only mentors and absolute newcomers can be found. There, the new players can get rid of their questions without the sometimes toxic community making fun of them.

In addition to the chat, mentors and beginners can also recognize each other in the free world, as they get a symbol above their character that can only be seen from the other side. Fittingly, the developers have chosen a Murloc as the symbol of the beginners, while the mentors are represented by a green flag.

Source: wowhead Source: wowhead

The following conditions must be met before you can sign up as a mentor.

  • Level 50
  • 3,000 quests completed
  • Two of the following five achievements
    • Great trio
    • Rival: Season 4 of Battle for Azeroth
    • Keystone Conqueror of Battle for Azeroth: Season 4
    • The Waking Dream
    • We have the technology

Which of you will sign up as a mentor and help newcomers with their first steps on Azeroth?

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