•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Shadowlands does not bring new content for archaeology

There will be a lot going on in the crafting area of WoW with Shadowlands.


Shadowlands will bring new recipes, we will be able to craft legendary items, and optional reagents will allow us to customize equipment.

However, the Archaeologists Club has been surprisingly quiet so far


Dataminers have not been able to unearth a single new feature for treasure hunters on the alpha server. Thanks to an interview with director Steve Dawson on the website Vanion, we now know the simple and sobering reason for this: the developers will not be releasing any new content for archaeology with Shadowlands.

Dawson justifies this step by saying that it wouldn't make sense to search for relics of any races in the Shadow Lands.

In the

realms of the beyond, other things count, other activities are more important there.

In view of other, comparably "unsuitable" features such as the pet fights, this reasoning doesn't seem very comprehensible


Especially since the Shadow Lands have a lot of lore potential that could have been tapped with archaeology. Or how do you see it? You can find all the insights from the interview with Steve Dawson on Vanion.

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