•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Kyrians now travel faster than before to the peaks of ascension

Actually, the "Spires of Ascension" dungeon in WoW Shadowlands is not particularly far from the Elysian Stronghold, the Covenant sanctuary of the Kyrians. Nevertheless, until now, members of the Pact had to de facto travel the same ground mount route as all other WoW players if they wanted to reach the entrance of the dungeon. But that is changing now.

The WoW developers have placed a total of three new Larions on the battlements of the Elysian Fortress, which should make traveling to and from the Pact Sanctum easier for loyal Kyrians. One of these Larions will transport you directly from the Elysian Fortress to the entrance of the Spires of Ascension. So you don't have to fly from the Elysian Stronghold to the nearest flying point or use a teleport to the lower bastion surface and then ride to the dungeon. Especially handy: A Larion is also waiting in front of the entrance to the dungeon and will also transport you directly back to the Elysian Fortress.

But there are two more Larions that will take you from the fortress to the nearest point on the floor of Bastion. The Larions are located in the following places in the Elysian Fortress:

  • near the animal rider (takes you to the entrance of the spires of ascension)
  • at the merchant who exchanges Raidtokens for weapons
  • near the path of ascension

So, in the future, you won't have to jump from the Elysian Stronghold to the depths if you want to get to the ground quickly. You'll also be able to fly from the ground back to the fortress with all three Larions, as long as you're not in combat.

What do you think of this new feature? Do you find the additional Larions practical? Or do you think it's a useless gimmick? Write us your opinion in the comments!

Source: redditSupport

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