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World of Warcraft

WoW: Fame level 61 increases item level for loot from world quests & Korthia

The rewards that players receive in WoW: Shadowlands via world quests were not even good enough for most Twinks in terms of item level. But that's changing in this third week of August 2021, as those who reach fame level 61 will receive a special bonus as a reward: Equipment you bag via world quests and daily quests in Korthia will then have a higher item level than before.

Especially quest rewards from Korthia interesting again

The item level changes at fame level 61 are as follows:

  • World quests from the Shadowlands reward you with equipment levels 200 to 203 (previously 194-197)
  • Rewards from the Shadowlands mission table have item levels 207 to 210 (previously 203)
  • Daily quests and loot from rare enemies now drop at item level 213 (upgrade level 3/6).

By the way, the items you get via the token Korthian Equipment are not affected by the adjustment and keep the previous item level 200.
WoW: Fame level 61 increases item level for rewards from world quests and Korthia (1) Source: buffed

The item level increase is especially beneficial for players who prefer to hunt for gear in Korthia to fill existing gaps. Because you will now receive items in the new zone that already have level 3 upgrades, you will save 750 Catalogued Research per item that you would otherwise have to spend on upgrades.

Some classes will also enjoy upgrading certain items, such as the Trainer's Holy Bell, which can still be desirable alternatives for Vault, Dungeon, and Raid loot due to their good stats.


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