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World of Warcraft

WoW: Server offline? Gemerged or not gemerged?! Total chaos

From the land of the German WoW server linking chaos there are again reports, of which we can not say for sure which is current, and which is not. Therefore, in advance: We have sent a request to the European community team, whether it can bring light into the infochaos darkness, and as soon as we have an answer, you will know about it.

Currently, we can only tell you the following: The WoW (buy now 14,99 € )-Servers Durotan, Tirion, Arthas, Kel'Thuzad, Vek'lor, Wrathbringer, Blood Cauldron, Lizard Cauldron, Mal'Ganis, Taerar, Blackhand, Explorer's League, The Night's Watch, Death's Watch and Circle of Cenarius will be closed on 20. August 2020 from 21:00 and until the following day at 05:00, according to customer support staff member Vyraneer on the German WoW forums. So if you're wondering why your server is offline on Thursday evening, you now know the reason. Because during this maintenance the following links are supposed to take place:

  • Durotan/Tirion will be paired with Arthas/Kel'Thuzad/Vek'lor/Wrathbringer/Blood Cauldron.
  • Lizard Cauldron/Mal'Ganis/Taerar and Blackhand
  • Explorers League/The Night's Watch and Death's Watch/Coven of Cenarius

The forum post about the maintenance work on August 20, 2020. Source: buffed 15 EU servers of WoW are thus probably not available in the evening hours on August 20. Now, however, some links have allegedly already taken place. Vyraneer posted in the forum of Death Watch and Circle of Cenarius on August 17, 2020 that the realm linking with Explorer League and The Night's Watch has taken place.
Realm linking forum post Source: buffed Also in the Blackhand forum, Blizzard employee Silvethys announced that the link between Lizard Cauldron, Mal'Ganis and Taerar, and Blackhand had taken place, and that the forum structure still needed to be adjusted.
Forum post about realm links - on the right you can see the confusing dates Source: buffed The different times for the post are irritating. On the right, the dates August 9 and August 10 are reported for the post, plus the update time "22 hrs ago." It can be assumed that Silvethys updated the old post instead of making a new one in the thread, which is documentation madness. So, theoretically, those eight servers wouldn't actually have to be offline on August 20 - they've already been concatenated. Our editor Philipp logged onto Blackhand and didn't see any messages from other servers in the capital chat. Sebastian's Blackhand character has seen Phil's Lizard Cauldron character in the game world, but they can't trade with each other. Sending mail from Lizard Cauldron to a hero on the same account on Blackhand doesn't work either. Apparently, there was no link yet. As mentioned before, we will inform you as soon as we get any news. More articles about server linking can be found here:

  • Server links between realms of different languages
  • Why the infochaos - EU Community Manager at Blizzard
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