WoW: New Ve'nari resource in patch 9.1 - Stygia is not worth hoarding

The wowhead team interviewed Principal Game Designer Jeremy Feasel and Technical Director Frank Kowalkowski of WoW during BlizzConline. From these interviews we gained a lot of new information about the future of WoW Shadowlands. We've summarized the most important statements for you below. For the full interview visit
- 9.1 PTR starts shortly after release of patch 9.0.5 Patch 9.0.5 will be released in March
- No tier sets in 9.1 raid, but still planned for Shadowlands
- No plans for second portable Legendary but some plans for Legendary system
- No concrete plans to fix faction imbalance
- No further character customization planned for Shadowlands
- Korthia gets Pact assaults similar to Legion assaults
- Ve'nari gets a new resource that we use to buy items from her - Stygia is a Season 1 resource that you can spend without concern
- Ve'nari sells new media, more gadgets for the maw & more for the new resource
- Possible Ve'nari catch-up system planned
- Riding in the maw even without special maw mounts, but no flying
- On Korthia we learn who the first true ones are
- Pact changes will be easier and even more encouraged in patch 9.1
- Pact stories will overlap more, so that the Venthyr, for example, can also see what's going on with the Kyrians.
- The midway dungeon will get a hard mode
- Even though the M+ achievement for Valor upgrades is account-wide, it's not sure yet if Twinks will be able to just upgrade items or if they'll have to complete the +5, +10, and +15 achievements first as well.
- In the future, there will be more incentives to play Mythic-Plus beyond level 15.
- More medium slots will be added to the Soul Covenant talent tree.
- There will be a new type of Medium
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