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WoW: Watch Shadowlands stream with Hazzikostas and Hight here

Update from July 08 at 17:37:
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Update 8.7.
Tonight, Wednesday evening , July


at 18:00 CEST, the livestream for Shadowlands will take place. Here you can expect news about the upcoming expansion as well as a first look at the latest content currently in development. We assume that the beta will start soon and that a date for it will be announced. The whole thing will take place on the World of Warcraft channels on Twitch and YouTube.

Original news
Although the BlizzCon 2020 was recently canceled, but of course that does not mean that the developers of Blizzard will leave us in the dark with regard to their current projects in the coming weeks and months. In the course of a press release last night, those responsible at the studio announced a stream all about WoW (buy now € 14,99 ): Shadowlands. "On June 9 , Executive Producer John Hight and Game Director Ion Hazzikostas from the World of Warcraft team will provide a live sneak peek from their home of new content for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion that the team is currently working on.The stream will begin at 6:00 p.m. CEST and will be available on both the World of Warcraft Twitch channel and YouTube. "We're hoping for new details and info on Shadowlands features that were previously "in the works" and couldn't be tested on the Alpha server. Of course, there will also be a summary of the most important news here on buffed on June 10.Meanwhile, those who are hoping for more information about Diablo 4 will have to wait a little longer. The next quarterly update of the highly anticipated action RPG is scheduled for the end of June. The unveiling of Diablo 2 Remastered, meanwhile, could await us at IGN's "Summer of Games" event on June 24. The summer will be exciting!

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