•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Legendary cloak at rank 14 - how to get the upgrade

Since Wednesday, the new ID has been active in WoW, which has provided some new content - N'Zoth is now attacking the Valley of Eternal Blossoms again, the 4th LFR Wing of Ny'alotha is available, and you can now rank up the legendary cloak Ashjra'kamas, Cloth of Determination to rank 14. To do so, you will need to go to the Lost Realms of Visions (going to Orgrimmar during the week of March 11-18), just like the previous upgrade. There, you'll need to capture a total of 6 copies of Torn Side of The Final Truth for the 14 upgrade. It doesn't matter if you master the final boss Thrall or the lower areas. For the missing pages of Ashjra'kamas at rank 14, the final battle against Thrall is not necessary. We only need to master the Lost Realms of Vision. Source: buffed In Orgrimmar/Stormwind, there are always two Lost Realms that you can complete - so you'll need to visit the Disturbing Vision via the Heart Chamber at least three times. Accordingly, you need 30,000 Manifested V


or alternatively three Vessels with Manifested V



More on this topic: Dist


Visions - our guide with all tips and info

What does rank 14 of Ashjra'kamas do?

Getting the legendary cloak to rank 14 gives you five percent more resistance to losing sanity in the Visions of N'Zoth. In addition, the upgrade gives you 8 points more Corruption Resisence, which makes wearing corrupted items more comfortable. Thus, a rank 14 cloak reduces health loss by 75 percent (previously 70) and adds a total of 50 points of corruption resistance (previously 42). With a high cape level, even a full run of Disturbing Visions is not an impossibility in WoW Patch 8.3. Source: buffed Only one ID change is missing, then maximum rank 15 will be available for Ashjra'kamas - after that, however, we will be able to work further on the cape's corruption resistance, which could probably keep us busy until September, according to current calculations.

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