•   Sunday, September 8, 2024
World of Warcraft

WoW: All 40s raids from Classic in under 4 hours - Fusion did it

Earlier today, we reported that pro guilds in WoW Classic are currently trying their hand at speedrun records again

- thanks to Darkmoon Faire. The current record holder comes from the European server Gehennas: SALAD BAKERS was able to kill Kel'Thuzad after only 63 minutes and 56 seconds.

Not quite as fast last night was the US guild Fusion. They finished their Naxxramas run after a still very good 78 minutes and 35 seconds. And then it was on to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the old god C'Thun fell after 45 minutes. Next stop: the Black Rock. The Pitchwing Hoard and Molten Core were also cleaned. Last but not least, a visit to Onyxia was on the agenda. The bottom line is that Fusion was able to master all of the 40-player WoW (buy now €14.99)

Classic raids in less than four hours. That's a remarkable feat considering that many guilds are currently leaving the old raids behind because they need every minute of their two to three raid nights for Naxxramas.

You can find the log of the "Vanilla World Tour" on Warcraftlogs, of course. And there is a recording of the entire run on Twitch. By the way, a Fusion player wrote on Reddit that this run was not planned at all. Nevertheless, there is hope that a new speedrun category for the last weeks and months of Classic could result from it. During the course of the evening, the guild was able to complete another Thunder Wrath Legendary. Congratulations!

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