•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Downgraded Mythic Plus keys are harder than planned thanks to affix bug

Actually, the goal of Mythic-Plus dungeons in WoW Shadowlands is to level up as high as your skill and equipment will allow. In some cases, however, it makes sense to intentionally downgrade your hard-earned and upgraded keystone a few levels. For example, if you want to play your key with friends who don't have the necessary equipment yet, or if you don't want to make things harder for yourself than they need to be and you only care about the loot from the dungeon.

For this purpose, you used to have to start the dungeon and then leave it. Afterwards, you had the same keystone one level lower. To simplify this detour, Blizzard introduced an NPC in Oribos that would downgrade your keystone at the touch of a button. This move has been viewed very positively by most players. However, it seems that the NPC Ta'hsup is not the smartest. As it now turns out, he forgets something very important when downgrading.

  • The NPC really only reduces the level of the key. The affixes remain untouched.

WoW: Downgraded Mythic Plus keys are harder than planned thanks to affix bug (1) Source: reddit So if you downgrade a keystone from level 10, the pride affix remains. This also applies to the other affixes that are added at level four and seven. This makes the reduced stones significantly heavier than they should be at that level.
Obviously this is a bug that should be fixed by Blizzard. Currently it is still in the game, so you should be aware that downgrading a keystone is not very useful at the moment.

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