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World of Warcraft

WoW: November 12 hotfixes for Encyclopedia, Sylvanas, and Brewmaster.

Although everyone is currently focusing on the freshly announced patch 9.2 for World of Warcraft , little things are also happening on the Shadowlands live servers. Hotfixes, for example. The package released last night included an exciting change for Twinks:

  • The Encyclopedia of Sinstone Fragment Salvage is account-bound, but twinks used to need a revered reputation with the Swear-in to use the item. Thanks to the hotfix, you now only need to meet the reputation requirement to purchase it. Characters can use the item even with a lower reputation level.
  • Also fixed a bug that allowed Sylvanas Wind Runner to jump to an unauthorized position during domination chains .
  • The Brewmaster's Special Delivery talent no longer hits targets that have been controlled.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented items from being upgraded after they were upgraded for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue with the sound effect of the Unholy Aura from the Shard of Zed.

Below you can read the official English patch notes. As soon as Blizzard has published the German patch notes, we will update this message. Hotfixes are updates that are applied server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, whereas others will only take effect after an announced realm restart. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch.

WoW: Official patch notes of the hotfixes from November 12, 2021


  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Special Delivery (Talent) will no longer target crowd-controlled enemies.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Sylvanas Windrunner
      • Fixed an issue where Sylvanas could leap to an invalid location during the cast of Domination Chains.

Items and Rewards

  • The Encyclopedia of Sinstone Fragment Recovery bind-on-account item now only requires Exalted with The Avowed to purchase it, but it can be used on alternate characters at lower reputation levels.
  • Fixed an issue with the sound effect of Shard of Zed's Unholy Aura.
  • Fixed an issue where some items were no longer upgradeable after upgrading once.
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