•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW 9.1: Sanctum of Domination - Only 2 BoEs per armor class left

Sloot recently interviewed WoW's lead game designer Morgan Day. The two talked mostly about Patch 9.1 and the upcoming content for WoW Shadowlands' first major update. From this, we were able to learn that there will be significantly fewer items from the new Sanctuary of Domination raid that are bound when you create them.

Instead of having two items plus rings and necklaces drop per armor class like in Castle Nathria, there will be no BoE jewelry dropping in Sanctum of Domination. The developers realize that stocking up on four mythic-level items right in the first mythic ID is too much of an increase in character power.

Table of Contents

  1. 1BoEsin the Sanctum of Domination
    1. 1.1Fabric armor
    2. 1.2Leatherarmor
    3. 1.3Chainarmor
    4. 1.4 PlateArmor

This change should save guilds some gold in the World First Race fight. This is because a whole new market and structure within the community has been built around the BoEs of a raid. In the first weeks of a new raid, top guilds like Echo or Limit are constantly on the lookout for players with BoEs via addons and outbid each other in the bids. Hundreds of millions of gold usually cross the table in the process. In the last raid tier, Limit even had two raid groups assigned just to farm BoEs in Castle Nathria.

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BoEs in the Sanctum of Domination



For cloth wearers, hands and a belt drop in the Sanctum of Domination

  • Forlorn Prisoner's Strap
  • Soulcaster's Woven Grips
Leather Armor

For leather wearers, pants and a bracers drop in the San

ctum of Domination.
  • Bindings of the Subjugated
  • Scoundrel's Harrowed Leggings

Chain Armor

For chain wearers,

legs and a belt drop in the San

ctum of Domination.
  • Bonded Soulsmelt Greaves
  • Cord of Coerced Spirits

Plate Armor For plate


shoes and bracers drop in the San

ctum of Domination.
  • Towering Shadowghast Greatboots
  • Ancient Brokensoul Bands

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