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World of Warcraft

WoW: Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0.1 is here - Patch Notes

Update from 10/14/2020: Yeah! Maintenance is already over and the pre-patch for WoW Shadowlands is finally live and we can already play at least some of the features of the new expansion - for example the class customizations, the Isle of the Banished or the new level experience. Below you can find the patch notes for patch 9.0.1 published by Blizzard. Blizzard has published the list of currently known issues here.

As expected, the login servers and EU realms are currently on their knees due to the huge rush and there are long queues. Blizzard's customer service is already working on fixing the problems. As soon as there is news on this, we will post an update.

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Original announcement: Sylvanas Windrunner, the fallen leader of the Horde, has pierced the veil between Azeroth and the Realm of the Dead. In doing so, a series of events has been set in motion that threaten to destroy the cosmic balance between life and death. Azeroth's heroes will take on the wonders and horrors of the afterlife as they deal with the consequences of Sylvanas' actions.

Table of Contents

  1. 1TheFlood of Death - Temporal Event
  2. 2Adjustment oflevels, items and stats
  3. 3Newcharacter customizations
  4. 4Newstarting experience
  5. 5Achievements
  6. 6Alliedraces
  7. 7Auction house
  8. 8Black Market Auction House
  9. 9Classes
    1. 9.1General
    2. 9.2Death knight
    3. 9.3Demon Hunter
    4. 9.4Druid
    5. 9.5Hunter
    6. 9.6Mage
    7. 9.7Monk
    8. 9.8Paladin
    9. 9.9Priest
    10. 9.10Rascal
    11. 9.11Shaman
    12. 9.12Witch master
    13. 9.13Warrior
  10. 10Dungeons& Raids
  11. 11Itemsand rewards
  12. 12Pet battles
  13. 13PvP
  14. 14User interface
  15. 15World event
  16. 16WoWCompanion App
  1. Unfold

The tide of death - temporary event

Shortly after the release of the Preparation Patch, the defenders of Azeroth must once again take up arms to repel an invasion of the undead Scourge sweeping across the land. Players can embark on a quest to establish a base in Icecrown, where the veil between Azeroth and the afterlife has been torn. There, players will need to prepare for their journey to the Shadowlands. This limited-time preparation event will only be available until the release of Shadowlands, so be sure to log in to experience this content and earn special rewards.

Level, Item, and Stats Adjustment

Levels, items, and stats have been adjusted to make reaching a new level feel more meaningful while allowing you to reach the maximum level faster than ever before. Characters at level 120 will be level 50 after the content update.

New character customizations

WoW: Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.x - New Character Customization Options Source: Blizzard Character creation has been given a brand new interface, and you'll have plenty of new options for character customization. These new options include choosing eye color, new skin tones, and new hairstyles and hair/fur colors.

All of these new options are available on all of Azeroth's barbers. You can even change gender and customize the appearance of animal forms as a druid. All customizations are now available in-game at any time, which means character customization is no longer offered in the store. [ LEARN MORE]

New Starter Experience

WoW: Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.x - New Starter Experience Source: Blizzard

The Isle of the Banished

The Isle of the Exiled is a brand new starter experience that will introduce you to the basics of World of Warcraft (buy now €14.99 ) and the main mechanics of your class over the course of an expedition. If you're playing World of Warcraft for the first time and have never created a character or levelled up, you'll begin your journey through Azeroth with the Starter Experience. If you are an experienced player or have already levelled up with a character, you can optionally skip the Starter Experience and start at level 1 in your race's starting area.

Once they reach level 10, new players can continue their journey in Battle for Azeroth and eventually Shadowlands. [ LEARN MORE]

Time Migration Campaigns

Players who have already experienced Battle for Azeroth and have reached level 50 with at least one character can now choose to level up through time-travel campaigns with additional characters in another expansion. Through this new feature, the content of locations such as Northrend or Pandaria will scale with character level, allowing you to level up there from level 10 to 50 and experience the stories of those locations at the original intended pace. To select your preferred expansion for level advancement, you will need to visit Chromie at the Embassy of Stormwind or Orgrimmar. If at any point you would like to select a different expansion, you can simply talk to Chromie again.

Beginner Chat

After you create your character and begin your journey in World of Warcraft, you will join the newbie chat. There you can interact with other newcomers and ask for advice from experienced players of the same faction who will mentor you on your journey through the new starting area, the Isle of the Banished. New players and mentors can recognize each other in chat channels and by an icon above their heads that only they can see. Once they reach level 20, new players are ready to adventure on their own. From that point on, they will no longer be able to access the beginner chat.
If you are an experienced player and are interested in helping new players who are experiencing World of Warcraft for the first time, travel to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and speak with the mentor recruiter. To become a mentor, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have an account with no complaints.
  • You must have reached level 50.
  • You must have completed 3,000 quests.
  • You must have received at least two of the following achievements: "Great Trio," "Rival: Season 4 of Battle for Azeroth," "Keystone Conqueror of Battle for Azeroth: Season 4," "The Watch Dream," or "We Have the Technology.

If you no longer want to be a mentor, you can simply talk to the mentor recruiter again.


  • Flying in Warlords of Draenor and Legion no longer requires the Scouts of Draenor and Scouts of the Devastated Isles, Part Two achievements.

Allied Races

  • You no longer need to reach the Honorable reputation level with the appropriate faction to unlock allied races.

Auction House

  • Successful auctions now display the name of the buyer or highest bidder in a tooltip.
  • When selling trade goods (stackable items), selected stacks now have priority over other stacks in the inventory.
  • Custom auctions can now be sorted by time remaining.
  • The Level Range filter now filters battle pets by level.
  • For legendary armor pieces that can be crafted by professions, the "Rune Carving" option has been added under each armor category. The required materials will not be available until Shadowlands is released.

Black Market Auction House

  • You must now be at max level to access the Black Market Auction House.
  • The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur will now no longer be offered by merchants and will occasionally be available in the Black Market Auction House.



  • Most abilities that do not deal regular damage or healing will deal 5% different amounts of damage and healing with each use. This change affects all classes.
  • Power Word: Soul Strength, Arcane Intelligence, and Battlecry now increase their respective values by 5% (previously 10%).
  • Targeted area spells can now be triggered using the self spell shortcut at the character's position.
  • Abilities such as Deadly Strike or Wound Poison that reduce the target's healing received are now twice as effective when fighting creatures. The stats of these abilities remain unchanged in PvP.
    • Warrior, Hunter, Monk: Trauma now reduces healing received by 50% (25% against player characters).
    • Rogue: Wound Poison now reduces healing received per stack by 8% (4% against player characters).
    • Warlock: Deadly Rift/Legion's Strike now reduces healing received by 20% (10% against player characters).
  • The damage and maximum number of affected targets of many area-of-effect spells has been adjusted. A detailed list of affected spells can be found in the class section.

Death Knight


  • Rune Strike is no longer a talent for Blood Death Knights, but an ability that consumes runes and generates rune power. It is available to Death Knights early on. Runic Strike is replaced with Fierce Strike, Heart Strike, or Howling Gust when a specialization is selected.
  • Switching between weapons now unbalances the Death Knight, preventing them from receiving bonuses from their Rune Enchantments for 30 sec.
  • All Death Knights can now use the following abilities:
    • Death Cloak - Unleashes unholy energies on the target, dealing shadow damage to an enemy or healing an undead ally.
    • 'Death and Decay' - Corrupts the targeted ground, dealing Shadow damage to targets in that area over the course of 10 sec.
    • 'Raise the Dead' - Raises a ghoul to fight alongside you for 1 min. You can only summon one ghoul at a time.
    • Ice Chains - Encircles the target in icy chains that reduce their movement speed by 70% for 8 sec.
    • Light Knight - Uses unholy energy to be undead for 10 sec, increasing your life steal by 10% and making you immune to bewitch, fear, and sleep effects.
    • Antimagic Field - Creates an antimagic field for 10 sec that reduces spell damage taken by all party or raid members by 20%.
  • You can now use Runesmithing to engrave five new runes on your weapon:
    • Rune of Sanguination - Your Deathblow ability deals increased damage based on the target's lack of health. If your health falls below 35%, you will be healed by 50% of your maximum health over the course of 6 sec. Can only occur once every 5 min.
    • Rune of Spell Protection - Repels 3% of all spell damage and has a chance to create a shield that absorbs magic damage equal to 10% of your maximum health. When an enemy deals damage to the shield, their spell speed is reduced by 10% for 6 sec.
    • Rune of Hysteria - Increases maximum rune power by 20 and your attacks have a chance to increase rune power generation by 20% for 8 sec.
    • 'Rune of Eternal Thirst' - When you kill an enemy that grants experience or honor, you gain 5% speed and movement speed and are healed by 5% of your maximum health. Additionally increases your movement speed by 10% as a Spirit.
    • Rune of the Apocalypse - Your ghoul's attacks have a chance to cause an additional effect:
      • Famine: Reduces damage dealt to the Death Knight.
      • Death: Reduces the healing caused.
      • Pestilence: Slows the target and deals regular damage.
      • War: Increases damage taken by the Death Knight.
  • Changes to PvP talents:
    • Lich Knight has been removed.


  • Rune Transformation is no longer a talent and is learned by all Blood Death Knights at level 19. In addition, Runic Transformation has two charges and is no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Blood Labe - While Scarlet Scourge is active, Death and Decay heals you the next time you use Bone Shield per stack and you immediately gain 10 Runic Power.
    • New Talent: Death Pact - Enters into a death pact that heals you 50% of your maximum health, but absorbs incoming healing equal to 30% of your maximum health for 15 sec.
    • Removed the runic power cost of Mark of Blood and increased the healing to 3% (previously 2%).
    • Rapid Decay now has an additional effect: your Blood Plague drains 50% more health.
    • Antimagic Barrier now reduces the cooldown of Antimagic Shell by 20 sec (previously 15 sec) and increases duration and absorption by 40% (previously 30%).
    • Greedy now grants 15% life steal for 8 sec (previously 6 sec). Also, the spell now has an additional effect: Increases the healing of Deathblow by 20%.
    • Red Thirst now reduces the cooldown of Vampire Blood by 1.5 sec for every 10 Runic Power spent (previously 1 sec).
    • Consumption and Bone Storm now affect a maximum of 8 targets.
    • Ossuarium has been removed and is learned by all Blood Death Knights in Shadowlands.
  • Changes to PvP talents:
    • New PvP Talent: Rot and Decay - Your Death and Decay will rot your enemies every time they take damage from the ability and absorb healing equal to 100% of the damage dealt.
    • Unholy Command has been removed.


  • Extinguish, Frost Strike, Frost Sickle, and Unstoppable Glacier can now be used with two-handed weapons.
  • New passive ability: 'Power of the Frozen Wasteland'.
    • Rank 1: When wielding two one-handed weapons, your uses of Extinguish and Frostblast will also hit with your shield hand, and you will be able to engrave a Runeforge enchantment on each weapon.
    • Rank 2: Increases the damage of Extinguish by 35% and the trigger chance of Killing Machine when using a two-handed weapon.
  • Frostwyrm's Fury is no longer a talent and is learned by all Frost Death Knights at level 44.
  • Reinforce Rune Weapon and Pillar of Frost no longer have a global cooldown.
  • Howling Gust and Sindragosa's Breeze now deal less damage to secondary targets.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Hypothermic Presence - Takes on the ice in your veins entirely, reducing the Rune Power cost of your abilities by 35% for 8 sec.
    • The trigger chance of Runic Circuit has been adjusted to equalize its effectiveness when fighting with two one-handed weapons and one two-handed weapon, and Rune Power generation has been increased from 3 to 5.
    • Blinding Rain of Ice now has an additional effect: when Blinding Rain of Ice ends, enemies are slowed by 50% for 6 sec.
    • Ice Cap now reduces the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by 4 sec (previously 3 sec).
    • Frost Crescent now affects a maximum of 5 targets.


  • Mastery: Dreadblade now additionally increases the damage of your minion's abilities.
  • Epidemic is no longer a talent and is learned by all Unholy Death Knights at level 34.Additionally, the range of Epidemic has been reduced from 100 to 40 yards and the ability will not cast if there are no nearby enemies affected by Virulent Plague.
  • Dawning Doom now gives your automatic attacks a chance to cancel the Rune Power cost of your next use of Death Mantle or Epidemic.
  • Scourge Strike now favors targets affected by Festering Wound while in the area of effect of Death and Decay.
  • Virulent Plague duration has been increased from 21 to 28 seconds.
  • Virulent Plague no longer has a 30% chance to break out each time it deals damage. Also, the range of area damage has been increased from 8 to 10 meters.
  • The rune cost of Army of the Dead has been reduced from 3 to 1.
  • Scourge Strike and Rending Shadows now affect a maximum of 5 targets while in the effect area of Death and Decay. Both abilities favor targets affected by Festering Wound.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • New Talent: Unholy Pact - Dark Transformation creates an unholy pact between you and your servant, igniting burning chains. These inflict shadow damage on enemies between you and your minion over 15 sec. Increases your Strength by 5% while this effect is active.
    • The disease from Unholy Contamination can now be stacked up to 4 times. Also, the spell now has an additional effect: your minions deal 3% more damage per stack to enemies affected by Unholy Contamination. Additionally, the ability infects enemies with Virulent Plague.
    • Soul Harvester has been reworked. The ability now costs 1 rune and has a cooldown of 6 sec. Inflicts Shadow damage and Soul Harvester on an enemy. If the target is at less than 35% health after 5 sec, this effect explodes and deals additional shadow damage to the target. Grants Rune Corruption when an enemy affected by Soul Harvester dies.
    • Desecrate now has an additional effect: If enemies are within the range of Desecrate, the radius and damage of the effect increase per second.
    • Army of the Damned now has an additional effect: Apocalypse and Army of the Dead summon a Magus of the Dead that lasts for 15 seconds. He will hurl Frostbolt and Shadowbolt at your enemies.
    • Unholy Frenzy has been reworked and renamed Unholy Charge. Deals an Unholy Blow to your target that deals Shadow damage, inflicts 4 Festering Wounds on the target, and sends you into a Blood Frenzy that increases your speed by 20% for 12 sec.
    • Bursting Boils now affects a maximum of 8 targets.

Demon Hunter


  • Newly created Demon Hunters now start at level 8.
  • Firebrand Aura is no longer a talent for Devastation Demon Hunters and is now learned by all Demon Hunters on their first quests or at level 10.


  • New passive ability: Infinite Hatred - Increases your maximum temper to 120.
  • Blur now reduces all damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds (previously 35%).
  • Metamorphosis no longer grants 20% life steal. The Soul Ripper talent now increases the life steal from Metamorphosis to 25%.
  • Blade Dance and Death Sweep now affect a maximum of 5 targets.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • New Talent: Burning Hatred - Firebrand Aura now generates an additional 60 Fury over the course of 12 sec.
    • New Talent: Unleashed Chaos (replaces Devil's Mastery) - When Firebrand Aura is activated, your inner demon will slam into nearby enemies at the end of your next use of Devil's Fury, dealing Chaos damage.
    • New Talent: Glevenorkan - In a whirlwind of energy, casts two demonic gleves that deal chaos damage to 5 nearby enemies over the course of 3 sec.
    • Insatiable Hunger now causes Demon's Bite to deal 20% more damage and generate an additional 5 to 10 Irascibility.
    • Devil's Circle now reduces the cooldown of Eye Beam by 3 sec when Chaos Strike returns Irascibility (previously Metamorphosis).
    • Soul Ripper's life steal is increased by 5% (previously 10%). Gives an additional 25% (previously 10%) life steal while Metamorphosis is active.
    • Netherwalking cooldown is now 3 min (previously 2 min).
    • Dark Strike has been renamed Essence Fracture - Slashes all enemies in front of you, dealing Chaos damage and increasing the damage you deal to them with Chaos Strike and Blade Dance by 40% for 8 sec.
    • Demonic now puts you in Demon Form for 6 sec (previously 3 sec) when you use Eye Beam.
    • Nemesis has been removed.
    • Devil's Blast now affects a maximum of 8 targets.


  • Vengeful Demon Hunters now use Irascibility as a resource instead of Pain.
  • Demonic Protection's stamina and armor bonus has been moved to the new passive ability Thick Skin, which increases your stamina by 65% and your armor by 100%.
  • Soul Splitter replaces Chaos Strike, Shear replaces Demon Bite, and Inferno Strike replaces Devil's Fury when you select the Vengefulness specialization.
  • Demonic Devastation is no longer a talent and is learned by all Vengeful Demon Hunters at level 11. In addition, Demonic Desolation now costs 50 Irascibility.
  • Soul Splitter now heals you for additional health per Soul Fragment spent.
  • Soul Splitter now affects a maximum of 5 targets.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Hellish Armor (replaces Flame Strike) - Firebrand Aura increases your armor by 20% and causes melee attackers to take fire damage.
    • New Talent: Ruinous Bulwark (replaces Empty Skinner) - Demonic Devastation heals by an additional 15% and 50% of excess healing is converted into an absorption shield that lasts for 10 sec.
    • New Talent: Mass Extraction (replaces Soul Barrier) - Destroys the spirit of all targets near you. Deals fire damage to nearby enemies, extracts a Soul Fragment from the 5 nearest enemies, and pulls them towards you so you can consume them instantly.
    • New Talent: Demonic - Demonic Devastation puts you in demon form for 6 sec after the ability does its damage.
    • Abyssal Strike now causes Infernal Strike to create a Mark of Flame when you land, reducing the cooldown of the ability by 8 sec.
    • Tormenting Flames no longer increases the damage of Firebrand Aura. Instead, the ability now increases the duration of Firebrand Aura by 50%.
    • The healing of Feast of Souls has been increased by 25%.
    • Charred Flesh has been revised: Damage from Firebrand Aura now increases the duration of your Flaming Brand ability by 0.5 sec.



  • Traveling creatures on the ground are no longer rideable.
  • Stag Form has been renamed to Mount Form. When this ability is used, ground travel creatures are rideable. The ability can be learned using the item Foliant of the Wild: Mount Shape, which is available in the Druid Order Hall, the Grove of Dreams. Characters who have used the Foliant of the Wild: Stag Shape before the update will automatically learn the ability.
  • Moonwing Shape is rideable when selected as a Flying Shape at the Barber.
  • Lunar Strike has been renamed back to Starfire.
  • 'Solar Wrath' has been renamed back to 'Wrath'.
  • All druids can now use the following abilities:
    • Savage Bite - Finishing move that deals physical damage per combo point and uses up to an additional 25 Energy to increase damage by up to 100%. Requires cat form.
    • 'Tree Bark' - Your skin becomes hard as bark, reducing your total damage taken by 20% and preventing incoming attacks from increasing your cast time. Lasts for 12 sec. Can be used while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, asleep, or in fear. Can be used in all guises.
    • Whirlwind - Is no longer a PvP talent. Whirls the target in the air for up to 6 sec. During this time it is disoriented, but also invulnerable. Only one target can be affected by Whirlwind at a time.
    • Inciting Roar - Transforms your form into that of a bear and emits a ferocious roar, increasing the movement speed of all allied player characters within 15 yards by 60% for 8 sec.
    • Iron Skin - Increases armor for 7 sec. Requires Bear Form.
    • Wrath - Hurls a ball of energy at the target, dealing nature damage.
  • Paw Slash now affects a maximum of 5 targets.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: 'Heart of the Wild' (replaces 'Typhoon') - Abilities that match your chosen affinity are significantly boosted for 45 sec. 5 min cooldown Transforms you into the appropriate shape when used, except for Restoration Affinity.
      • Restoration Affinity: The healing of your restoration spells is increased by 30% and the mana cost is reduced by 50%.
      • Balance Affinity: The damage of your Balance spells and abilities is increased by 30% and Star Suck is a spontaneous spell.
      • Fierceness Affinity: The damage of your fierceness abilities is increased by 30% and critical hits with attacks that generate a combo point generate an additional combo point.
      • Guardian Affinity: Bearshape gives an additional 20% Stamina, repeated uses of Ironfur can overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges.
    • Mighty Strike now stuns the target for 4 sec (previously 5 sec) and has a cooldown of 1 min (previously 50 sec).
    • New abilities have been added to their respective affinities:
      • Restoration Affinity: Ursol's Vortex.
      • Balance Affinity: Typhoon
      • Fierceness Affinity: Tatter
      • Guardian Affinity: Shattering Roar
  • Changes to PvP Talents:
    • Whirlwind is no longer a talent and is learned by all level 48 druids.
    • Heart of the Wild has been renamed to Strength of the Wild.


  • New Mastery: Total Eclipse - Solar Eclipse increases Nature damage by 11% and Lunar Eclipse increases Arcane damage by 11%.
  • The passive ability 'Eclipse' has been revised to work in conjunction with the talent 'Equilibrium Affinity': After casting 'Starfire' twice, 'Wrath' is empowered for 15 sec. After casting Wrath twice, Starfire is empowered for 15 sec. These eclipse effects occur alternately.
    • Eclipse (Sun): Fury cast time reduced by 15%. Wrath damage increased by 20%.
    • Eclipse (Moon): Starfire cast time reduced by 15%. Starfire critical strike chance increased by 20%.
  • Star Suck now increases the damage bonus to Wrath and Starfire while Eclipse is active, and costs 30 Astral Power (previously 40).
  • Celestial Alignment maintains both eclipse effects for 20 sec and grants 10% speed. Star Rain now has a radius of 40 yards around the caster and moves with them. This avoids targets that are not in combat. Starburst's damage has been greatly increased.
  • Shooting Stars is no longer a talent and is learned by all level 49 Equilibrium Druids. Shooting Stars now generates 3 Astral Power (previously 4) and the trigger chance has been increased by 50%.
  • Moonfire and Sunfire now generate 2 Astral Power (previously 3).
  • Wrath now generates 6 Astral Power (previously 8).
  • 'Starfire' now generates 8 Astral Power (previously 12).
  • Celestial Alignment and the talent Incarnation: Chosen of Elune are no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • Energize duration has been reduced to 10 sec and the ability no longer has a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Solstice (replaces Shooting Stars) - Shooting stars fall 300% more frequently during the first 6 sec of each eclipse.
    • Balance of Nature now generates 1 Astral Power every 2 sec in combat (previously 2 Astral Power every 3 sec).
    • Soul of the Forest has been reworked: Darkness increases Wrath's Astral Power generation by 50% and Starfire's damage to all other enemies by 150%.
    • Starlord now grants 4% speed for 15 sec (previously 3% speed for 20 sec).
    • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune now grants the bonuses of Celestial Alignment and increases critical strike by 10%.
    • Stellar Shift now increases Star Rain duration by 2 sec and damage by 15%.
    • Wrath of Elune now deals less damage to secondary targets.
  • Changes to PvP talents:
    • Scratching Thorns will now cause Roots of Usury to deal damage every 3, rather than when Roots of Usury is removed.
    • The radius of Moon and Stars has been increased to 5 meters (previously 3 meters).


  • Survival Instinct now has 1 charge (previously 2).
  • Claw Strike now deals 60% more damage when the ability is used from stealth (previously 100%).
  • Shred now deals 60% more damage when used from stealth (previously 30%).
  • Berserker has been revised: Become a Berserker for 20 sec, causing Claw Slash and Shred to deal the same damage as in Stealth. Additionally, finishing moves have a 20% chance to return 1 combo point per combo point spent.
  • Berserker and the Incarnation: King of the Jungle talent are no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • Saber Tooth now increases the duration of Shred by 1 sec (previously 4 sec).
    • Equilibrium Affinity's Moonking form is no longer subject to a 90 sec. cooldown.
    • Incarnation: King of the Jungle now grants the bonuses of Berserk, reduces the Energy cost of all Cat Form abilities by 20%, and allows you to use Sneak once in combat.
    • Bloodclaws has been reworked: If you use 3 different abilities that generate combo points within 4 sec, the damage of your next 2 uses of Shred or Savage Bite will be increased by 30%.
    • Brutal Slash now affects a maximum of 5 targets.


  • New Ability: Berserk - Become a Berserker for 15 sec, reducing the cooldowns of Tear, Slash, Growl, and Frenzied Regeneration by 50% and the cost of Ironfur by 50%. 3 min. cooldown.
  • New ability: Infected Wounds - Rend and Crush reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 12 sec.
  • Shattering Roar now causes you to assume bear form when used.
  • Berserker no longer has a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Renewal (replaces Ursol's Vortex) - Instantly heals you by 30% of your maximum health.
    • New Talent: Claw and Teeth (replaces Moonbeam) - Automatic attacks have a 20% chance to buff Crush. Stackable up to 2 times. Boosted uses of Crush deal 40% more damage and reduce the damage the target deals to you by 15% for 6 sec.
    • Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc has been reworked: An improved version of Bearshape that grants you the bonuses of Berserk, lets Rend hit up to 3 targets, and increases your maximum health by 30%. Lasts 30 sec.
    • Pulverize now reduces damage taken by the target by 20% for 10 sec and has a cooldown of 30 sec (previously reduced damage taken by all enemies by 9% for 20 sec).


  • Iron Borrow now has a cooldown of 1.5 min (previously 1 min).
  • Rapid Heal now has a cooldown of 15 sec (previously 25 sec) and a mana cost of 11% (previously 14%). In addition, Rapid Heal now uses an active heal over time from Regrowth, Wild Growth, Rejuvenation, or Fusion to instantly heal an ally.
  • Energize duration has been reduced to 10 sec, and the ability is no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Nurture (replaces Lushness) - Heals an allied target by 135% of spell power. Costs 15% mana, has a cast time of 2 sec, and receives triple the bonus of Mastery: Harmony.
    • New Talent: Wild Growth (replaces Stone Bark) - Is no longer a PvP talent. Grants an ally the regular healing effects of Flourishing Life, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Regrowth. The cooldown is now 1 min (previously 45 sec).
    • Stone Bark is no longer a talent and the regular healing bonus is relearned in Shadowlands.
  • Changes to PvP Talents:
    • Suppressive Tendrils has been revised and renamed Strong Winds: Whirlwind leaves the target reeling and reduces its damage by 25% for 4 sec.
    • 'Nurture' has been removed.
    • Revitalize has been renamed Reactive Resin.



  • Stable size has been increased from 60 to 200.
  • Trim can now be used with bows, firearms, and crossbows. Trim is replaced with Concussive Shot for Tier Domination Hunters and Level 13 Marksmanship Hunters.
  • Revive Beast now has a cast time of 4 sec (previously 2 sec).
  • All hunters can now use the following talents:
    • New ability: Deadly Shot - You attempt to finish off a wounded target and inflict physical damage. Can only be used against enemies that have less than 20% health.
    • New Ability: Frighten Wild Animal - Frightens a wild animal, causing it to run away in fear for up to 20 sec. Damage taken can interrupt the effect. Only one wild animal can be frightened at a time.
    • New ability: Eyes of the Wild Animal - Take direct control of your pet for 1 min and see through its eyes.
    • New ability: 'Lulling Shot' - Removes 1 rage condition and 1 magic effect from the opponent.
      • Companions who previously had an ability with the same effect as Lulling Shot as their special family ability now remove 1 poison, magic, and disease effect each from the companion. 10 sec cooldown
    • Mark of the Hunter - Is no longer a marksmanship talent. Imbues the target with the Mark of the Hunter so that it can always be seen and tracked by the hunter. Only one Hunter's Mark can be active at a time.
    • Arcane Shot - An instant shot that deals arcane damage.

Beast Domination

  • The threat percentage of Misdirection has been increased by 100%.
  • Spirit Heal (Spirit Beast pet ability) healing reduced by 66%.
  • Aspect of the Wild no longer has a global cooldown.
  • Wrath of the Beast now causes your pet to damage your target immediately upon activation.
  • Multiple Shot and Predator Strikes now affect a maximum of 5 targets.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • New Talent: Bloodshed - Orders your pet to slash your target. This causes a bleeding wound that causes the target to bleed for 18 sec and increases all damage taken by your pet by 15% for 18 sec. 1 min. cooldown
    • Alphatian no longer costs focus.
    • Blood Smell has been revised: Activating Wrath of the Beast grants 2 charges of Spiked Arrow.
    • Venomous Bite has been revised and renamed Spitting Cobra: When Wrath of the Beast expires, a Spitting Cobra is summoned to assist you in combat for 15 sec. Each Cobra Shot used during the duration of Wrath of the Beast increases the damage done by the Spitting Cobra by 10%.
    • Stampede now has a cooldown of 2 min (previously 3 min) and can affect a maximum of 5 targets per animal per wave of Stampede.
    • Barrage now affects a maximum of 8 targets.


  • Rapid Fire duration has been reduced to 2 sec (previously 3 sec). The total damage done by Rapid Fire remains unchanged.
  • Focus cost of Aimed Shot increased from 30 to 35.
  • Arcane Shot focus cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • The focus cost of Multiple Shot has been increased from 15 to 20, and Multiple Shot can now damage a maximum of 5 targets.
  • Binding Shot is no longer a talent and is learned by all level 33 Marksmanship Hunters.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • New Talent: Chimera Shot - A two projectile shot that hits your primary target and one other nearby target. Deals nature damage to the primary target and reduced frost damage to the secondary target. Replaces Arcane Shot, is a spontaneous spell, and costs 20 Focus.
    • New Talent: Binding Shackles (Passive) - Targets immobilized by Binding Shot deal 20% less damage for 8 sec after the immobilization expires.
    • New Talent: Sharpshooter (Passive) - Deadly Shot has 2 charges and causes Aimed Shot to recharge 50% faster for 3 sec.
    • New Talent: Volley (replaces Stab Shot) - Over the course of 6 sec, rains down a volley of arrows that inflicts physical damage to all enemies in the area of effect. You also gain the effects of Skilled Shot while Salvo is active. Volley is a spontaneous spell and has a cooldown of 45 sec.
    • Master of Marksmanship has been reworked: Your critical hits will bleed your target for 15% of the damage done over 6 sec.
    • Snakebite duration increased from 12 to 18 sec.
    • The bonuses for Careful Aiming at Low Health have been removed because the return of Deadly Shot makes them unnecessary. Additionally, the damage bonus is now applied against targets with more than 70% of their health (previously 80%).
    • Persistent Focus has been revised: When Reliable Shot is used twice in a row, your speed will now increase by 7% for 15 sec.
    • The passive ability Optimization has been revised: Rapid Fire's damage is increased by 15%, and Rapid Fire now also reduces the cast time of your next use of Aimed Shot by 30%.
    • The trigger chance of Deadly Shots has been increased to 30% (previously 20%).
    • The trigger chance of Lock and Load has been increased to 8% (previously 5%).
    • Barrage now affects a maximum of 8 targets.
    • Explosive Shot now affects a maximum of 6 targets.


  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • Spearhead now causes Kill Order to increase the damage of your next use of Raptor Strike by 25% (previously 20%). Stackable up to 3 times.
    • Flank Attack now has a 30 sec cooldown (previously 40 sec).
    • Chakrams now costs 15 focus (previously 30).
    • Dismember and Slaughter now affect a maximum of 5 targets.



  • Mirror Image is no longer a talent and is now learned by all level 44 mages. Mirror Image damage has been greatly reduced, the Frostbolt spell has been added to them, and you will take 20% less damage while your Mirror Image is active. When you take direct damage, one of your mirror images will dissolve.
  • All mages can now use the following skills:
    • Arcane Blast - Causes a magical explosion around the caster that deals arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
    • Frostbolt - Hurls a bolt of Frostbolt at the enemy, dealing Frost damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
    • Fire Strike - Covers the enemy in fire damage.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • New Talent: Focus Magic - Increases the critical strike chance of the target's spells by 5% for 30 min. If the target scores a critical hit, the critical hit chance of your spells is increased by 5% for 10 sec. Cannot be cast on yourself. Maximum of one target.
    • The cooldown of Flicker has been increased to 25 sec (previously 20 sec).
    • Rune of Power now places a rune of power on the ground for 15 sec (previously 10 sec). Also, the spell now has an additional effect: casting Arcane Power, Incinerate, or Icy Veins also creates a Rune of Power at your character's location.
    • Ring of Frost now incapacitates enemies 50% longer in PvE. Also, the spell now has an additional effect: when the incapacitation ends, affected enemies are slowed by 65% for 4 sec.


  • New Ability: Time Shift - Shifts time and returns you to your starting position on the second cast or after 10 sec with the health at the time of activation. The effect is canceled if you die or move too far away.
  • Mastery: Luminary now has an additional effect - it also increases the arcane damage of all other spells.
  • 'Free Spell' now has additional effects: The effect stacks up to 3 times and causes 'Arcane Projectiles' to fire an additional projectile.
  • The cooldown of Arcane Power has been reduced to 2 min (previously 3 min).
  • Touch of the Magi is no longer a talent and is learned by all level 33 Arcane Mages. Touch of Magi has been revised: Cast Touch of Magi on your current target. This effect accumulates 25% of the damage you deal to the target for 8 sec and then explodes, dealing that amount of Arcane damage to the target and reduced damage to all nearby enemies. Generates 4 Arcane Charges when used and has a cooldown of 45 sec.
  • Arcane Power is no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Master of Time (replaces Mana Shield) - Reduces the cooldown of Time Shift by 30 sec. Time Shift resets the cooldown of Blink when you return to your original location.
    • New Talent: Arcane Echo (replaces Charged) - Your direct damage against enemies affected by Touch of the Magi causes an explosion that deals Arcane damage to 8 nearby enemies.
    • Amplification - In free-spell state, Arcane Projectiles now fire 2 additional projectiles (previously 1).
    • Resonance now increases Arcane Bombardment damage by 15% for each target hit (previously 10%).
    • Time Anomaly now grants Time Bend for 6 sec and no longer grants 4 Arcane Charges.
    • Netherorkan now deals less damage to secondary targets.
  • Changes to PvP talents:
    • Reverse Time has been removed.


  • Mastery: Ignite now causes your Phoenix Flames to jump your Ignite effect to 8 nearby enemies. Ignite no longer jumps to a nearby enemy every 2 sec.
  • Phoenix Flame is no longer a talent and is learned by all level 19 Fire Mages. Phoenix Flame now has a recharge time of 25 sec (previously 30 sec). Damage has been increased by 15% and the spell is no longer guaranteed to score a critical hit.
  • Enhanced Fireworks is now Fireball (Rank 2).
  • Phoenix Flames now deals less damage to secondary targets.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: From Ashes (Passive) - Increases mastery by 2% for each available charge of Phoenix Flames. Your direct critical hits reduce the cooldown by 1 sec.
    • Blast damage increased by 5% and duration increased to 6 sec (previously 4 sec).
    • Alexstrasza's Wrath now always scores a critical hit and deals 50% more critical damage. The spell also now has an additional effect: increases the damage of your next use of Pyro Strike or Flame Strike by 35%.
    • Ignite now reduces the remaining cooldown of Incinerate by 1.5 sec (previously 1 sec).
    • Pyroclasm now increases the bonus damage of Pyroblast by 250% (previously 225%).
    • Living Bomb now deals less damage to secondary targets.


  • Hail now reduces the target's movement speed by 80% (previously 70%).
  • Icy Veins no longer has a global cooldown.
  • Frozen Orb now affects a maximum of 8 targets.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • The additional movement speed reduction from Icy Winds is now 10% (previously 15%).
    • Ice Nova now deals less damage to secondary targets.



  • The radius of Foot Sweep has been increased to 6 meters (previously 5 meters).
  • The Enlightenment buff that Monks can receive on the Peak of Tranquility now grants a tranquility bonus (previously experience bonus).
  • Whirling Crane Kick now affects a maximum of 6 targets.
  • All monks can now use the following talents:
    • Damage Diversion - Pushes negative chi out of your body and heals you. Deals nature damage to an enemy within 8 meters equal to 10% of the healed value. Now has a cooldown of 15 sec.
    • Whirling Crane Kick - You spin in the air while performing kicks that deal physical damage to enemies within 8 meters over 1.5 sec.
    • Touch of Death - You exploit the enemy target's greatest weakness and instantly kill creatures with less health than you. Deals damage equal to 35% of your maximum health to player characters as well as stronger creatures with less than 15% health. Has a cooldown of 3 min.
    • Strengthening Brew - Turns your skin to stone for 15 seconds, increasing your current and maximum health by 15%. It also reduces your total damage taken by 15%.


  • New Passive Ability: Footwork - Niuzao's teachings allow you to use your legs more skillfully in combat, increasing the effectiveness of your stagger by 75%. When attacking enemies with Barrel Strike, Blackout Kick, and Whirling Crane Kick, you will gain Footwork.
  • New Ability: Celestial Brew (replaces Iron Skin Brew) - A sip of potent brew that forms purified chi from your body into a celestial shield that absorbs damage. When you pick up staggered damage, absorption is increased by up to 200%. The effect stacks up to 10 times and grants 20% absorption per stack.
  • Summon Niuzao the Black Ox is now no longer a talent and is learned by all level 42 Brewmaster Monks. Niuzao no longer taunts the target and now lasts for 25 sec (previously 45 sec).
  • Purifying Brew now has 2 charges (previously 3), no longer shares charges with other brews. The ability also now has an additional effect: increases the absorption of your next use of Celestial Brew by up to 200%, based on the amount of damage currently staggered.
  • Damage Diversion now has an additional effect: the cooldown is reduced by 10 sec and the positive chi of all your healing spheres is used to increase the healing of Damage Diversion.
  • Blackout Strike has been renamed Blackout Kick and now grants Footwork for 3 sec.
  • Barrel Strike now reduces the recharge time of your brews by 3 sec (previously 4 sec) and has an additional effect of granting Footwork for 5 sec.
  • Whirling Crane Kick now has an additional effect: When you deal damage with Whirling Crane Kick, you gain Footwork for 1 sec and the healing spheres of your Ox Gift move towards your position.
  • Blackout Kick can now be used when wielding two one-handed weapons.
  • Fire Ember and Barrel Strike now deal less damage to secondary targets.
  • Strengthening Brew now has a cooldown of 6 minutes (previously 7 minutes).
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Exploding Barrel - Hurls a flaming barrel towards the target's location, dealing fire damage to all nearby enemies and causing them to miss their melee targets for the next 3 sec.
    • New Talent: Celestial Flames (replaces Cover) - When drinking brews, there is a 30% chance to envelop the Monk in celestial flames for 6 sec, increasing the damage reduction of Fire Ember by 5%. Additionally, Whirling Crane Kick triggers Fire Ember on targets.
    • Light Brew has been revised: Reduces the cooldown of Purifying Brew and Celestial Brew by 20%.
    • Black Ox Brew now also completes the cooldown of Celestial Brew.
    • Special Delivery is now triggered by all of your brews.
    • Rushing Jade Wind now affects a maximum of 6 targets.


  • New Ability: Summon Yu'lon the Jade Serpent - Summons an image of Yu'lon the Jade Serpent that persists for 25 sec. Yu'lon now remains near the Mist Caster, casting Calming Breath on an injured target, healing the target and up to 2 nearby allies. Calming Breath benefits from effects that enhance Calming Mist, similar to Summon Statue of Jade Serpent.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • Summon Chi-Ji the Red Crane has been revised: Summon Chi-Ji the Red Crane to become immune to movement restricting effects for 25 sec. When using Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, or Whirling Crane Kick, Chi-Ji whirls up a Surge of Mist that heals up to 2 allies and reduces the cast time of the next use of Enveloping Mist by 33%. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Chi-Ji now helps the Monk in combat and deals melee damage.
    • Manatee duration has been reduced to 10 sec (previously 12 sec) and is no longer subject to a global cooldown.

Wind Runner

  • Fury Fists can now be used when wielding a two-handed weapon.
  • Touch of Death now has a cooldown of 3 min (previously 2 min).
  • Summon Xuen the White Tiger is no longer a talent and is learned by all Windrunner Monks at level 42. Duration has been increased to 24 sec (previously 20 sec).
  • Whirling Crane Kick damage is now increased by a maximum of 6 debuff effects of Mark of the Crane active on the target (previously 5).
  • Energizing Elixir and Storm, Earth, and Fire are no longer subject to a global cooldown.
  • Fury Fists now affects a maximum of 6 targets.
  • The following talents have been customized:
    • Equanimity no longer has a global cooldown.
    • Rushing Jade Wind now affects a maximum of 6 targets.
  • Changes to PvP Talents:
    • Damage Reversal has been revised: Is now a passive ability that increases the healing caused by your Damage Diversion spell by 100% and causes it to generate 2 Chi when used.
    • Pressure Points has been revised: The cooldown of Karma Touch is reduced by 60 sec when a player character dies from Touch of Death.



  • The Aura List is back and includes Aura of the Crusader, Aura of Devotion, and Aura of Retribution. All auras have a range of 40 meters. Only one aura can be active at a time.
  • Wrathful Retribution and Holy Avenger no longer have a global cooldown.
  • All Paladins can now use the following abilities:
    • New Ability: Dispel Evil - The power of light forces an undead, degenerate, or demon to flee for 40 sec. Damage can interrupt the effect. Only one target can be forced to flee at a time.
    • Crusader's Aura - Increases the riding speed of all party and raid members by 20% within 40 yards.
    • Aura of Devotion - Group and raid members within 40 yards are strengthened by their devotion, reducing their damage taken by 3%.
    • Aura of Retribution - When a party or raid member within 40 yards dies, you will receive Wrathful Retribution for 8 sec.
    • Word of Glory - Summons the Light to heal an allied target. Costs 3 Holy Power.
    • 'Shield of the Righteous' - Deals a heavy blow to enemies in front of you with your shield, dealing Holy damage and increasing your armor for 4.5 sec. The ability is no longer limited by charges and costs 3 Holy Power.
    • 'Crusader Strike' - Strikes the target and deals physical damage. Generates 1 Holy Power and costs 14% of base mana.
    • 'Hammer of Wrath' - Hurls a divine hammer that deals Holy damage to an opponent. Can only be used against enemies with less than 20% health or while Wrathful Retribution is active. Now generates 1 Holy Power.
    • Consecrate - Consecrates the land beneath your feet. Enemies that enter the area take Holy damage over 12 sec. Maximum 1.
    • 'Blessing of Sacrifice' - Blesses a party or raid member and reduces their damage taken by 30%, but you take 75% of the damage prevented. Lasts for 12 sec or until the redirected damage would drop you below 20% of your health.


  • Holy paladins now use Holy Power as a resource.
  • Holy Shock now generates 1 Holy Power and the cooldown has been reduced from 9 sec to 7.5 sec.
  • Flame of Faith no longer refunds mana. Generates 1 Holy Power when casting Flash of Light or Holy Light on the target of your Flame of Faith. The target of your Flame of Faith is also healed by 50% of the healed value (previously 40%).
  • Light of Dawn now costs 3 Holy Power and has no cooldown.
  • The Retribution Crusade talent no longer has a global cooldown.
  • Light Infusion now reduces the cost of Flash of Light by 30% or increases the healing caused by Holy Light by 30%.
  • 'Aura Mastery' now infuses your chosen aura with power for 8 sec:
    • Aura of Devotion: Increases damage reduction from 3% to 15%.
    • Aura of the Crusader: Increases the riding speed bonus from 20% to 60%.
    • Aura of Retribution: Increases duration by 50%.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Saved by the Light - When the health of an ally who has your Flame of Faith on them drops below 30%, they receive an absorption shield. You cannot protect the same person in this way twice within 1 min.
    • New Talent: Seraphim - The Light boosts your power for 15 sec, increasing your speed, critical strike, and versatility by 8% and your mastery by 12%.
    • New Talent: Glimmer of Light - Holy Shock leaves a Glimmer of Light on the target for 30 sec. When you cast Holy Shock, all targets affected by Shimmer of Light take damage or are healed. Shimmer of Light can be active on up to 8 targets.
    • Holy Avenger has been revised: Your generation of Holy Power is tripled for 20 sec.
    • Divine Destiny has been revised: Your Holy Power consuming abilities have a 15% chance to make your next use of a Holy Power consuming ability free and increase their damage done and healing caused by 20%.
    • Fist of Justice has been revised: For each Holy Power consumed, the remaining cooldown of Hammer of Justice is reduced by 2 sec.
    • Awakening is now also triggered by Word of Glory.
    • Grant Confidence now generates 1 Holy Power.


  • Protection Paladins now use Holy Power as a resource.
  • New Passive Ability: Radiant Light - After every fifth use of Shield of the Righteous, the next use of Word of Glory will not cost Holy Power.
  • Avenger's Shield no longer increases the effects of your next use of Shield of the Righteous and now generates 1 Holy Power.
  • Judgement now causes the target to take 25% more damage from your next use of an ability that uses Holy Power, and generates 1 Holy Power.
  • Hammer of the Righteous now generates 1 Holy Power.
  • Consecration reduces the damage taken by Protective Paladins by 5% while they are within the area of effect of their Consecration. This effect stacks with their mastery bonus.
  • Protector's Light has been removed.
  • Word of Glory now has an additional effect: when you cast Word of Glory on yourself, the effect increases by up to 150% based on your lack of health.
  • The following talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Divine Destiny - Your abilities that consume Holy Power have a 15% chance to make your next use of a Holy Power consuming ability free and increase their damage done and healing caused by 20%.
    • New Talent: Holy Avenger - Your Holy Power generation is tripled for 20 seconds.
    • New Talent: Consecrated Wrath (replaces Last Defender) - Wrathful Retribution lasts 25% longer and allows Judgement to generate an additional 2 Holy Power.
    • New Talent: Glorious Moment (replaces Bastion of Light) - Completes the cooldown of Avenger's Shield. Your next 3 uses of Avenger's Shield will have no cooldown and deal 20% more damage.
    • Fist of Justice

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