WoW: Forum for Council of Players is open - get to know your representatives

Update from December 9, 2021: We have a crisp follow-up on WoW's Community Council for you: The Player Council forum section is online! While only members of the Blizzard crew or council can post there, the threads and posts are publicly visible to all players.
Currently, for example, you can find a round of introductions, a welcome post , as well as a feedback contact point for Patch 9.1.5 in this section. Meanwhile, various players on the Council have already introduced themselves and contributed, so you can get a feel for who will be representing the community in the near future.
Original news from December 8, 2021: A Community Council for World of Warcraft: This is exactly the solution Blizzard officials have come up with to noticeably improve communication between developers and players, and to get more detailed feedback on all areas of WoW from players, all over the world, who have very different backgrounds and interests.
01:45WoW: The Council of Players - Trailer introduces new Community Council
Emails for the chosen ones
Since November, interested parties have been able to apply for the Council of Players, and apparently thousands of Azeroth heroes have answered this call. According to WoWHead, emails have gone out to the first confirmed council members. The messages then say, for example:
"Greetings! On behalf of the design and community teams of World of Warcraft (buy now ) I would like to officially invite you to join the WoW Community Council that you applied for in November. We received thousands of applications, and yours stood out because of the valuable perspective you can bring to our new program. We sincerely hope you will accept our invitation and become a part of the Council."
Apparently not all council members have been notified of their successful application yet, with more emails expected to go out in the coming days. I wonder if Asmongold will be in the running?
11:26WoW Patch 9.2: Developer video on the end of eternity
Rights and duties
Council members will have access to a new forum area that can be viewed by all players. In this forum, Blizzard plans to ask for experiences and perspectives, and solicit feedback on specific topics. There will also be a more private discussion platform where the council can talk and interact with each other. In addition, there will always be smaller discussion groups consisting of council members and developers.
Will all of this end up doing anything? Well, many Blizzard fans, who have been disappointed over and over again in recent years, don't trust it. We had this in our column Once the reputation is ruined . .. Blizzard and trust
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