•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Hardcore in Classic Fresh - intentional and unintentional deaths of streamers

As you know, Blizzard offers a Warmaster variant of the hardcore playstyle for WoW Classic: Season of Mastery: You can mark your character for the iron path at level 60, but if you meet your demise, it's not necessarily the end. You can even clean the punishing debuff quite easily. Only the hardcore Way of Life will no longer be available to you.

A whole lot more exciting is what parts of the community have made out of it with their "Road to Ragnaros" hardcore event . The goal is to clean up Molten Core with all the new mechanics and restrictions (keyword: world buffs). The gimmick: if you die, you delete your character and start over. The whole thing is checked with the Hardcore Companion addon, which automatically notifies all users of the mod when a participating character has wandered into nirvana.

Only the best die young

But before it comes to Ragnaros and Co., the participating players must first bring their characters to level 60 and then selectively equip them. The first speedrun pros have already successfully completed the leveling phase. However, not all players have had this much success.

In fact, a number of well-known streamers have already gone down the virtual drain. Jokerd, who was able to earn the "World First" for the fastest leveling to level 60 in WoW (buy now € 14.99) Classic, was hit particularly hard. This time it was over at level 50, thanks to skeleton wizards in the Plaguelands:

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Speaking of careless mages, Frostadamus also took an early hit. He was fighting underwater, against murlocs, tired and more focused on chat. A deadly combination. He only lived to be 31 levels old. So his mage. R.I.P.:

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There were more dead magicians. No joke. The level-43 Frostie from Esquire got as far as Tanaris, after all. But AoE farming, which is very popular there, is also associated with a certain risk. One careless Nova is enough:

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It's also stupid when you sneak through a quest area as a rogue and then get unexpectedly exposed, isn't it, Bobka?

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And Esfand certainly wanted to die. He's just an entertainer through and through. And he was only level 10, and pigs are deadly, it's well known. And of course he "clicked". He probably wanted to use the laying on of hands. I get it.

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What's the story: Have you tried your hand at the hardcore exam yet? If so, what level are you currently at? Tell us in the comments!

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