WoW: Machinima artist creates homage to afterlife: Bastion
Afterlife: Bastion is Shadowlands' first animated short film set in Bastion, the Kyrian realm of the dead. In the video, we learn more details about the tragic fate of Uther Lightbringer, his death, and his new life alongside Paragon Devos. This storyline alone would be very intriguing, but Afterlife: Bastion told a far greater story. For it was not only about Uther's soul and his angelic teacher, but also about the whereabouts of Arthas' tainted soul after his defeat in Icecrown Citadel in Wrath of the Lich King.
The animated short is a true masterpiece, no question! But what might Uther's legend look like in the game itself? This question was also posed by machinima artist and WoW fan Adam Shwaginz, who unceremoniously used in-game characters from World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ) to create a wonderful homage to Afterlife: Bastion. But check out the result for yourself and compare Adam's project to Blizzard's original.
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Adam Shwaginz thanked his friends on Twitter a little later, who supported him in creating and editing his video. The whole project took a lot of time, but Adam learned a lot of new tricks and we will surely see more WoW machinimas from him in the future.
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