•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: After Ybarra tweet - The biggest boosters defend boosts in WoW

Blizzard co-lead Mike Ybarra's tweet about boosting in WoW has since made big waves in the community and brought a small shitstorm on Ybarra. Now WoW pro guilds like Echo, Limit and others are rushing to the Blizzard co-lead's side and defending sales runs in WoW. They say it's perfectly normal to boost in WoW, and some are even becoming abusive towards those who don't think sell runs are good in WoW.

The raid leader of what is currently the second best WoW guild in the world says that Ybarra is doing something ENTIRELY NORMAL with sellruns, which has no effect on other players. He wonders why WoW players go crazy over it.

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His raid mate Thdlock jumps to his side, saying that there are no half-decent players who can't be boosted in an hour instead of playing ten hours to do it.

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Directly below Thdlocks' tweet, top 10 raider and WoW shoutcaster Jakbcastin responds that people must have forgotten that they all got pulled through Battle for Orgrimmar for their account-based weapons back in the day and spent gold on them.

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Raid leader of the world-first guild Scripe says boosting wouldn't be so bad, but shouldn't be a requirement to keep up in content. According to him, the incentive to boost and be boosted should be removed.

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M+ boosters and WoW casters jb thinks ottonormal players would act like they are entitled to play with the best players and calls people "anti-boosters".

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Other reactions
Rogerbrown from EchoDratnos
(WoW caster and M+ guide writer)
Tettles (WoW caster and M+ guide writer)
Towellie (WoW Influencer)


Reactions are logical and ironic at the same time

As fierce as the criticism from the community is about sell runs and boosts, those who probably earn the most with them in WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) defend themselves. The top guilds, such as Limit and Echo, spend incredible amounts of money in the race for the world-first title in WoW and even take on debt for it in some cases. These debts are recouped after the raid content with sell runs. This method is openly communicated by top guilds. Of course, these pro players argue that boosting is quite normal and people should not get upset. In terms of cost and time, boosting is by far the best method to quickly generate many millions of gold in WoW and fill the guild bank with consumables for the next raid tier.

Are you surprised that these players defend sellruns? Or did you already know that exactly this kind of WoW players will defend boosting? Tell us what you think about selluns in the comments!

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