•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Art print bundle of Sylvanas and Anduin in the Gear Store

Battle for Azeroth is the current expansion of World of Warcraft, in which the Fourth War and the Old God N'Zoth were at the center of all events. At the beginning of BfA, the Banshee Queen's insatiable thirst for blood triggered the great war between the Horde and the Alliance, which cost the lives of countless mortals. As the two factions butted heads, N'Zoth broke his chains and proclaimed a new age of the Black Empire. With the help of the Heart of Azeroth, our heroes finally managed to prevent the impending end of the world.

With two fantastic art prints, Blizzard now wants to celebrate the good ending of Battle for Azeroth and put the two main characters - Warchief Sylvan's Windrunner and High King Anduin Wrynn -

in the spotlight.

Both characters are on the battlefield outside Undercity. King Anduin is seen for the first time in his magnificent lion armor, while Sylvanas stretches her bone bow in front of the ruins of Lordaeron. The iconic artwork is the work of famed artist and illustrator Eric Braddock (check out Artstation for more artwork).
WoW: Sylvanas Windrunner and Anduin Wrynn Art Print Bundle in the Gear Store (2) Source: Blizzard You can order both images home via Blizzard Gear Store for $249.99. Each canvas measures 51 cm in height and 76 cm in width and both images come ready to hang. More info about the canvas bundle can be found on the official site.

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