World of Warcraft

WoW Patch 8.3: First keystone in season 4 will be downgraded further
In the official US forum of WoW (buy now 14,99 € ), Community Manager Kaivax has listed what players can expect at the start of Season 4 of Battle for Azeroth. In addition to some changes like the conversion of Titan Residuum to Silver and much more, this season the first Mythic Plus Keystone will be reduced by four levels instead of 3 levels in Season 4. This is important...
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WoW: Allied races - unlock criteria for Mechagnome and Vulpera
Support buffed - it will only take a minute. Thank you! All readers get free daily news, articles, guides, videos and podcasts about World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go and other...
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WoW Patch 8.3: Vision of N'Zoth Survival Guide (Video)
Support buffed - it will only take a minute. Thank you! All readers get free daily news, articles, guides, videos and podcasts about World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go and other...
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WoW: Season 4 - Changes for Mythic Plus and PvP Rewards
Just in time for the first weekly reward in season 4 of WoW (buy now 14,99 € ),Blizzard changes the rewards from Mythic-Plus-Dungeons and PvP a bit. Not only the weekly rewards...
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WoW Patch 8.3: War Gleven of Azzinoth only for demon hunters as Transmog
WoW Patch 8.3 not only brings a lot of news to the game, but is also supposed to captivate us with an exciting story that revolves around the rise of the Old God N'Zoth and the...
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WoW Classic: Hotfixes for C'Thun's eye beam and scepter items
The first WoW Classic players were able to master the opening of Ahn'Qiraj and tackle the new raid challenges in the last few days. However, the events also revealed two issues...
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WoW Classic: Vis'kag, Deathbringer, Shackles - what won't drop for...
It won't be long before there's finally more for all WoW Classic raid groups (buy now € 14.99)! On February 12, the gates of the Pitchwing Hoard will open with a whopping nine...
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WoW: WTF? Hardly any quests and no own starting area for new death knights
WoW Patch 8.3 is all about the Black Empire and the Old God N'Zoth. In addition to many new quests, a legendary cloak, and an exciting storyline, Blizzard is advertising new death...
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WoW Patch 8.3: Official preview of the changes to the auction house
Back in October, we presented the new World of Warcraft auction house in detail, which is supposed to be faster and clearer than the current version. But now that WoW Patch 8.3 is...
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WoW: Visions of N'Zoth is live! German release trailer
Support buffed - it will only take a minute. Thank you! All readers get free daily news, articles, guides, videos and podcasts about World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go and other...
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WoW: World of Artcraft - Azeroth could look this beautiful as a Titan!
The Titans of World of Warcraft are godlike beings who have traveled the Warcraft universe since the dawn of time to bring order to countless worlds. Once, the most powerful Titan...
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WoW: Mechagnome and Vulpera - 30% discount on people and faction changes
When content patch 8.3 "Visions of N'Zoth" for the current expansion World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth is released on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, the Mechagnome and Vulpera...
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WoW: January 16 hotfixes for patch 8.3 - Patch Notes
The content patch 8.3 for the current expansion World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth is live, and the next bug fixes and adjustments will be delivered in the form of hotfixes...
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WoW: Fixed! Kinda ... Echoes of Ny'alotha and emissary quests
The WoW makers had announced mid-week that a bug was preventing you from getting Echoes of Ny'alotha from Emissary quests. The Echoes of Ny'alotha are part of the system that...
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WoW: Corruption effect Infinite Stars will be weakened by 25 percent
In a hotfix that should have been applied to the live servers by now, the developers have reduced the Infinite Stars spoilage effect by 25 percent. No wonder, since the effect...
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WoW: K.I.nderspiel - Weekly PvP brawl from August 11.
Starting Wednesday, August 11, the next PvP Brawl will begin in the current World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion, an event once released with the Tomb of Sargeras patch that...
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WoW: Conquest points loot from season 4 from now on with item level 460
Those who have already played PvP diligently in the first three seasons of WoW: Battle for Azeroth know the procedure: Every week you can earn conquest points on battlegrounds, in...
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WoW: German Patch Notes for Hotfixes from 01. April 2020
Update from 16:11 clock:Meanwhile, the developers of Blizzard have published the German patch notes for the hotfixes of 01 April 2020. We have updated the message accordingly...
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WoW Shadowlands: Nerf for class buffs - but not for everyone
With the return of class buffs, the developers wanted to reinvigorate some classes that they felt didn't bring enough support for their teammates in the group or raid. And it's...
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WoW: Speed leveling from level 20 to 120 in under 13 hours (video)
WoW streamer DesMephisto is a crazy guy, because in his WoW career he has already leveled over 40 warriors to level 120. The warrior and especially the level phase have done it to...
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WoW: BfA burnout - Why I wish Legion back (column)
I'm experiencing déjà vu right now: When I log into my WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) account, go through the daily quests and do what I do every night when I'm not trying to take...
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WoW: Linear storytelling and no decision quests in Shadowlands
In WoW: Legion and Battle for Azeroth, the authors of World of Warcraft experimented a lot. For example, the developers gave players the opportunity to experience the stories of...
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WoW: Art print bundle of Sylvanas and Anduin in the Gear Store
Battle for Azeroth is the current expansion of World of Warcraft, in which the Fourth War and the Old God N'Zoth were at the center of all events. At the beginning of BfA, the...
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WoW: 100 percent XP buff now active in BfA, Legion and Starter Edition
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update March 21:For those who are returning to their character at level 120 after a long hiatus and want to catch up on the latest content...
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WoW Classic: When the gates of Ahn'Qiraj just stay closed despite the gong...
Update from August 06:We still have a remarkable highlight from the opening of Ahn'Qiraj for you! As you probably know, it usually takes ten hours for the gates of the raid...
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WoW Shadowlands: Preview of the Bastion and the Pact of the Kyrians
The fate of the Bastion realm is closely connected with Oribos, the new capital in WoW Shadowlands. This floating fortress is the seat of the mysterious judge who decides the...
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WoW: Mythos World First Race - that's why it's so important for game...
A short sentence ends the race for glory: "Tanks kiten in 3. .. 2... 1..." What follows sounds to listeners like a longship full of drunken Vikings firing howling New Year's Eve...
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WoW: Legendary Cloak Rank 15 - Collect Malicious Cores for the First Time
Once again this week you can upgrade your Ashjra'kamas Legendary Cloak by one level. If you've been keeping up, you can increase your Corruption Resistance from 50 to 53 in this...
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WoW: Artist shows the new skybox above the capitals
From Vanilla to Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft's graphics improved with each expansion. Thanks to new technology, Blizzard's developers created a vibrant world that still...
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WoW Shadowlands: Hunters get "significantly more" stable space for...
If you play a hunter in WoW, you probably also tend to be an avid collector of animal companions. That's because one of the things that sets the class apart is that myriads of...
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WoW: PvP season 3 - end date and clarification
January 07, 2020 update:There's the official update! On the forums, Community Manager Kaivax announced that Battle for Azeroth's third PvP season and current Mythic Plus season...
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WoW Classic: Moonkin Madness - Druid Raid fails in Molten Core
Since the difficulty level of WoW Classic has been pretty simple so far, the heroes of Azeroth are always looking for new challenges to spice up their weekly raid routine. For...
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WoW Shadowlands: Maw rat instead of sheep - new transformation for mages
Whether it's Penance, Ice Cold Trap, Headbutt, or Incarcerate, there are numerous abilities in WoW that heroes can use to keep pesky enemies out of combat. But none of them should...
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WoW Shadowlands becomes much more twink-friendly - we like that
In the past few days, we got a glimpse of the upcoming WoW Shadowlands beta and were able to try out some things for ourselves that will soon be coming to all players. At the...
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WoW: Rank 4 essences from Paragon crates get Bad Luck Protection
Randomness and luck are part of an MMORPG like WoW, just like classes and talents. But above a certain level, it can quickly get out of hand, leading to frustrated players. And of...
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WoW Shadowlands: Optional reagents - everything different again
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update, 25.05.2020: Blizzard has subjected the optional reagents feature in the alpha of WoW: Shadowlands to a comprehensive overhaul. Various...
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WoW Shadowlands: Torghast Run with a Necrolord Survival Hunter
In the heart of the maw in World of Wacraft Shadowlands is Torghast, the Tower of the Damned. It is a cursed otherworldly prison where the most shameful souls of the universe are...
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WoW: Beast Kingdom introduces the new action figure of Sylvanas wind runner
Sylvanas Windrunner is the former leader of the Horde and antagonist of the next WoW expansion Shadowlands. A few months ago, the figure studio Beast Kindom created two detailed...
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WoW: Indescribable truth - Further class nerfs unlikely
In WoW, some bugs in corruption effects only become apparent when a wide mass of players get the effects. Until now, many heroes were allowed to select 4x Indescribable Truth, for...
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WoW Shadowlands: New armor in the character creation preview
The developers of WoW want to make our entry into the game in Shadowlands more pleasant, which is demonstrated by more and more innovations that we can examine on the alpha server...
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WoW Shadowlands: What changes to the portal room in Orgrimmar
The portal room in Orgrimmar and Stormwind has made it easier for players to travel throughout Azeroth and beyond since Battle for Azeroth. We can get from one continent to...
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WoW Shadowlands: No more day/night cycle - The community is divided
When you enter World of Warcraft Shadowlands, you don't even notice it at first. But then you glance at the clock, which is already showing 9 p.m., and you ask yourself: Wait...
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WoW: The (new) crazy conspiracy theories of the Scarlet Crusade
Patch 8.3 opens the final chapter of Battle for Azeroth. The Old God N'Zoth and his grotesque dream realm Ny'alotha are at the center of all events. But even away from the...
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WoW: Revendreth - The Transylvania of Shadowlands in pictures
In World of Warcraft Shadowlands, the vampiric Venthyr from Revendreth embody the punishers of the unworthy. They strive to purify the sinful souls sent to them by the Soul Judge...
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WoW Shadowlands: Customize bear and cat shape regardless of weapon
While most classes are always on the hunt for the latest, greatest, and prettiest transmog stuff, some Druid playstyles are left out. While owls (with the appropriate glyph) and...
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WoW: Ion Hazzikostas talks about the Shadowlands final boss
The upcoming WoW expansion Shadowlands brings with it a lot of exciting questions. One of them concerns the final boss of WoW: Shadowlands. After all, it's not clear at the moment...
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WoW Classic: War supplies on German servers - Update (August 06)
Update from August 06:The WoW player Dugong gave his overview another update last night (August 06, 04:17 h). We have adjusted our table accordingly.Update from August 04:The WoW...
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WoW: No Faun as an Allied Nation for Shadowlands after all?
The mystical Ardenwald is the seat of the Winter Queen, who leads the no less mysterious Nachtfae in WoW: Shadowlands. This sworn group consists mainly of the Faun people and many...
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WoW Shadowlands: New class animations in character creation
While many systems in WoW have been improved and modernized over the years, the character creation has remained at the level of WoW Classic and has not seemed up to date for a...
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WoW: Watch Shadowlands stream with Hazzikostas and Hight here
Update from July 08 at 17:37: In a few minutes we will start:Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal...
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WoW: Server mergers are imminent - off to Blackhand
After we have already reported several times about planned server mergers of WoW and the resulting displeasure within the community, there is now finally clarity. Blizzard has...
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WoW Shadowlands: Class teachers gather in the capitals
WoW has had the same problem since its launch more than 15 years ago - lack of beginner friendliness. Although World of Warcraft is significantly less complex and actually easier...
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WoW Shadowlands: Download of pre-patch is available in the launcher
It can't be too long before the WoW: Shadowlands pre-patch hits the World of Warcraft live servers. First, the final release of the expansion is scheduled for October 27, 2020 -...
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WoW Shadowlands Beta starts already next week with many innovations
After almost exactly three months of alpha phase, the upcoming WoW expansion is now moving towards beta. As the developers announced during the WoW Shadowlands Summit, the beta is...
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WoW Shadowlands: Higher item level for last bosses in Castle Nathria
The days of WoW players getting the best loot exclusively in raids are actually long gone. Mythic-plus dungeons have items that are higher in level than in the normal and heroic...
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WoW: Same look for blood and void elves in Shadowlands?
The Void Elves are a sworn community that was driven out of Silvermoon in WoW: Legion and joined the Alliance in exile. As followers of Alleria Windrunner, the Ren'dorei learn to...
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WoW Shadowlands: Blizzard wants to adjust the conduit system, but does not know...
WoW's game director Ion Hazzikostas announced in an interview with the streamer Preach (via Wowhead) that the developers want to rework the conduit system of WoW Shadowlands. The...
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WoW: Novel "Shadows Rising" will also be released as an audiobook on...
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update July 6,The Battle for Azeroth leaves many questions unanswered about Sylvanas, and with the death of N'Zoth in Patch 8.3, there is a lot of...
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WoW Classic: Exploit for Zul'Gurub enchantments no longer possible
Update from April 21:You may have already read it in our hotfix news: Blizzard's developers didn't take too long for their investigation and already eliminated the potential...
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WoW Shadowlands does not bring new content for archaeology
There will be a lot going on in the crafting area of WoW with Shadowlands. The Shadowlands will bring new recipes, we will be able to craft legendary items, and optional reagents...
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WoW: Wrath of the Lich King timewalk event starting March 18
Starting Wednesday, March 18, the popularWrath of the Lich King time-travel event will be available in the latest World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth expansion, where you can...
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WoW Shadowlands: Timegating - Which content comes when
1Timegatingof individual Shadowlands content: Timeline for all featuresOnly a few weeks have to go by before we can finally head to the Shadowlands and fight the new threat from...
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WoW: Weaker due to sockets? Rextroy PvP video reveals bugs again
In one of his earlier videos, WoW player Rextroy already showed how you can oneshot enemy players even naked thanks to the broken PvP scaling. Since the end of WoW Legion, new or...
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WoW: CurseForge changes schedule - fully available for Shadowlands release
On November 24, the game finally gets underway and hordes of heroes set out to explore the Shadowlands in WoW. Most of these heroes rely on the help and support of one addon or...
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WoW Shadowlands: Legendarys come in 4 item level variations
In the WoW Shadowlands beta, legendary items can now be crafted with four different item levels. The higher the level, the more resources you need and the higher the item level of...
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WoW: Server offline? Gemerged or not gemerged?! Total chaos
From the land of the German WoW server linking chaos there are again reports, of which we can not say for sure which is current, and which is not. Therefore, in advance: We have...
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WoW: Legendary cloak at rank 14 - how to get the upgrade
Since Wednesday, the new ID has been active in WoW, which has provided some new content - N'Zoth is now attacking the Valley of Eternal Blossoms again, the 4th LFR Wing of...
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WoW Shadowlands: Raid boss Elegon tameable as spirit beast
The soon to be released WoW expansion Shadowlands brings a lot of adjustments and new content with it. Hunters in particular will be happy. They will get a whole range of new...
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WoW Shadowlands: Too much leveled - Trapped in the new starting area
At the latest after the legendary Pandaren Doubleagent, who never left the Pandaren starting area and reached every expansion max level by collecting herbs and ores without...
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WoW Shadowlands:Shamans get new talent update
While the pre-patch for WoW Shadowlands has already arrived on the test server of World of Warcraft, the developers continue to work diligently on the abilities and talents of...
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WoW Shadowlands: First the story, then the endgame - campaign is mandatory
The path is the goal: This could be the motto against which the WoW developers have designed the interaction between the story campaign and the endgame in Shadowlands. Unlike in...
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WoW Shadowlands: Demon Hunter - All Legendary Affixes
In World of Warcraft Shadowlands, each class has eight general legendary powers, four general class-specific legendary powers, and four talent-specific legendary powers to choose...
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WoW: Jenafur puzzle - new clues via fundraiser for cancer research
Blizzard has been working with the Make a Wish Foundation for many years. For example, there have already been various in-game pets, the proceeds of which were then passed on to...
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WoW Shadowlands: Update for Abominable Sewing of the Necrolords
If we join a pact in the endgame of WoW Shadowlands, we can also benefit from the advantages of the special pact professions. According to Wowhead, the pact profession of the...
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WoW Shadowlands: No bonus rolls for Shadowlands content
Since Mists of Pandaria, WoW players have been accompanied by the Bonus Rolls, which grant a limited number of additional items per week if they are lucky. This will end in the...
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WoW Shadowlands: The Jailer makes your life difficult in the Maw
Blizzard has already experimented with different variants of threat levels in Battle for Azeroth, and is bringing a corresponding feature to Shadowlands as well: When you enter...
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WoW Shadowlands: How to dance a Nathria raid boss to the ground
The Venthyr stronghold Castle Nathria is the first raid that awaits you in the new WoW expansion Shadowlands. For some time now, the WoW developers have been testing the combat...
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WoW Shadowlands: Engineers get an auction house in Oribos
When we start our journey to the Shadowlands, we are actually cut off from the real mortal world. But because that would cause some problems from a gameplay point of view, in WoW...
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WoW: Rextroy defeats Ny'alotha boss Ma'ut solo - thanks to versatility
The well-known WoW player Rextroy continues to use the final phase of WoW: Battle for Azeroth to show himself and the entire WoW community again and again what is possible in...
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WoW: We look behind the veil - this is how death works in Azeroth
We are in the trenches of the Fourth War. The positions in front of Unterstadt have been overrun. The barricades are burning and the Alliance war machine is moving across the...
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WoW Classic: The best loot from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40)
WoW Classic: The best loot from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj1. The Tier 2.5 class sets2. The best weapons from AQ403. The best trinkets from AQ404. The best non-set items from...
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WoW: Rextroy oneshots players without using class skills
In his latest video, jack-of-all-trades Rextroy once again shows how wonderful the Corruption system is in WoW Battle for Azeroth. After watching countless oneshot videos with...
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WoW Classic: The Darkmoon Faire is now open!
Update from February 10:As of today, February 10, the Darkmoon Faire in Mulgore is now open. You can now exchange cards for the Darkmoon Sets, get useful buffs, complete the...
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WoW Classic: New recipes from phase 5 available - Ahn'Quiraj drops and...
Phase 5 of WoW Classic including Ahn'Quiraj is live and brings a lot of new recipes for passionate crafters (via Wowhead). Some of them can be obtained as loot from bosses and...
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WoW: Desert Marauder Buzzard Mount Now Available Again - November 18
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update from November 18,The rare Buzzard Mount Desert Marauder that the Rarmob Rot Devourer can drop east of the Obelisk of Stars in Uldum becomes...
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WoW Shadowlands: If you want all Legendarys, you can't avoid PvP
PvP in WoW is truly not everyone's cup of tea. In principle, that's not a problem either. Those who prefer to play PvE turn off the war mode, stay away from arenas and...
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WoW Shadowlands: Petting cats in Maldraxxus - All locations known
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update, 08/24/2020: In the meantime, the locations where you can find the individual cats for the achievement "Nine Afterlifes" are known. We have...
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WoW Shadowlands: Weekly loot box - Blizzard responds to feedback
Update, 08/06/2020:Following community complaints about the imbalance of the weekly chest rewards in terms of Mythic+ and PvP items, Blizzard is now changing the requirements for...
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WoW Classic: Ectoplasm Destiller - this is the reason for the aggro nerf
Update from August 04:After the blatant aggro nerf to the quest item ectoplasm destiller from WoW Classic, some players criticized that the developers would once again violate...
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WoW Shadowlands: Finally! Blizzard revises monk and improves Chi-Ji
If you read the WoW developers' latest blue post about the upcoming class changes to the monk in the Shadowlands beta, you might get the impression that the monk is a problem...
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WoW: It's official! The Night Elves recapture the Dark Coast
Tyrande's transformation and the Battle for the Dark Coast are among the most controversial stories in WoW: Battle for Azeroth. After the Horde's raid on Teldrassil, which caused...
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WoW: Training sword as an upgrade? - Corruption effect makes it possible
The corruption system in WoW (buy now €14.99), which was introduced with patch 8.3, has been the subject of some ridicule in recent weeks. Especially the fact that the effects...
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WoW Patch 8.3: Mechagnome - Intro cutscene of the allied race
With the launch of content patch 8.3 "Visions of N'Zoth" for the latest expansion World of Warcraft (buy now €14.99 ) Battle for Azeroth on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, the two...
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WoW: Limit vs. Method - US guild with competition event to the World First Race
Whenever a new raid opens in WoW (buy now €14.99 ), thousands of guilds and their members brace themselves for the new bosses. For a small part of the gaming community, however...
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WoW: Furorion and the end of N'Zoth in the video (Warning spoilers!)
The Old God N'Zoth has awakened and threatens all life in Azeroth. His dark servants proclaim the age of the Black Empire. In Uldum and the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, mad...
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WoW: War on Lordaeron - fans create fantastic live action movie
The First War is over and the proud city of Stormwind lies in ruins. The Horde descends upon the human kingdoms and advances northward. Countless people flee to Alterac, Gilneas...
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WoW: Addons - HandyNotes Vision of N'Zoth
Like every new patch of World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ), update 8.3 Visions of N'Zoth did not only contain new content for quest lovers and raiders, but also a lot of...
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WoW: Blizzard lifts bans for multiple lootings of N'Zoth attack crates
The release of WoW Patch 8.3 didn't really go smoothly: Numerous bugs plagued the game and caused frustration within the community, even though Blizzard quickly applied hotfixes...
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WoW: Did Limit and Method exploit at Ra-den? Spectators demand ban
The top guilds in WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) are not only characterized by their playful class and good preparation, but also by the fact that they always try to simplify the fights...
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WoW: Season 4 of Battle for Azeroth begins on January 22 - Survival Guide
With the scheduled maintenance for World of Warcraft on January 22, 2020, the second part of patch 8.3 will be released. The following content awaits you:The new Ny'alotha raid is...
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WoW: Four times more Dislikes than Likes - End-Cinematic does not go down well
Those who wanted to be spoiled in advance have already seen the final cinematic of Ny'alotha. The reactions to the first part of the f inal scenes are so bad that Blizzard...
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WoW Classic: "You think you do, but you don't" - was J. Allen...
Yesterday evening, while browsing the web, I stumbled across an exciting video by Youtuber WillE, in which he addressed the question of whether J. Allen Brack, now president of...
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WoW: Cosplayer inspires with Tyrande & High Inquisitor Whitemane Cosplay
In today's cosplay issue we would like to present you a particularly detailed costume by cosplayer Narga-Lifestream. Her interpretation of Tyrande Wisperwind - a high priestess of...
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WoW addon Speedy AutoLoot - so that speed leveling is even faster
After applying the level squeeze with the pre-patch of WoW: Shadowlands, there's a new hobby for those of you who are less into the usual content of Blizzard's online role-playing...
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WoW: Now it does - Pact abilities work outside of Shadowlands
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update 9.10.20: WoW's game director Ion Hazikostas has now commented on why the developers decided to use pact abilities outside of Shadowlands...
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WoW: Devilish Plans - Sylvanas, Dungeon Master and Kel'Thuzad in Video...
In addition to the main campaign of WoW Shadowlands, there are four other pact stories, most of which are only available to players who have joined the respective pact. Some...
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WoW: The end of the count - Cinematic from Castle Nathria [spoiler].
Count Denathrius is the ruler of Revendreth and the final boss of the first raid of WoW: Shadowlands. The sinister count and his henchmen have recently entrenched themselves in...
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WoW Shadowlands: Barokoshama - All Mythic Dungeons with 5 Shamans!
Barokoshama is a North American-based elemental shaman who primarily pushes Mythic Plus dungeons and regularly posts content on YouTube in addition to livestreams on Twitch. Nick...
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Healing in WoW - The Great Healer Guide (Part1)
Healers are an essential part of any role-playing game. While the group beats up bears, bandits or bosses, the healers treat their allies with various skills. Healers have also...
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WoW Classic: Lag-fest in the evening - This is how much is happening on the...
A little more than five weeks have passed since our last inventory. By now, most guilds or raid alliances from WoW Classic should have mastered the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. But what...
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WoW: Broadcasting input software ban - The first multi-boxers are banned
Update from November 21, 2020:On Reddit, numerous players recently reported that Blizzard Entertainment's developers have now started banning the multi-boxer community. Those...
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WoW: Ve'nari - Reputation Guide for the Maw Merchant
Ven'ari reputation guide1. Ve'nari's location and achievements2. Ve'nari reputation rewards3. Collecting reputation from Ve'nari4. Collect StygiaWhoeverwants to go to Torghast in...
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WoW: Exchange time of purchased items now also expires offline
To ease the workload of the completely overburdened Game Masters, Blizzard introduced a long, long time ago in WoW that you can return items purchased from the merchant, or items...
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WoW: OTK - This is the new organization of Asmongold and Co.
Anxiously awaited on Sunday, October 11 at 22:00 our time over 100,000 viewers in the stream of WoW streamer Asmongold to see what it is about the big announcement, which he...
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WoW Shadowlands: Weapon oils for hunters in the latest beta build
In addition to old familiar skills for your classes, WoW Shadowlands also brings back old profession items. With oils you can improve your weapons and increase your damage...
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WoW: Formerly April Fool's joke, today in the in-game store - how times...
How times can change - even in WoW. While the developers were still making fun of things a few years ago, today they implement them into their game themselves. We're talking, of...
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WoW: Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0.1 is here - Patch Notes
Update from 10/14/2020: Yeah! Maintenance is already over and the pre-patch for WoW Shadowlands is finally live and we can already play at least some of the features of the new...
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WoW: Legion raids still partly un-soloable after hotfix
Update from December 24, 2020:The developers at Blizzard Entertainment released a Legacy Raid hotfix on November 24 - about a month ago, in fact. This hotfix should have ensured...
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WoW Lore: Is the light, like the void, our enemy?
The story of the eternal battle between light and darkness is as old as humanity itself. Almost every classic epic begins with brave heroes riding out to confront dark forces...
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WoW: Undead Pets for Undead Hunters as of Patch 9.0! New pet families in...
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update on 13 October 2020: The pre-patch for WoW Shadowlands is just around the corner. Therefore, a small reminder for undead hunters. Blizzard...
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WoW Classic: Forest of Elwynn invites you to the Darkmoon Faire
It's that time again! From May 04 to May 11, the Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic has pitched its tents in the Forest of Elywnn near Gold Grove. Horde characters best take the...
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WoW: German Patch Notes of the Hotfixes from 05. November (Chromie Time)
Update from November 06:The German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from November 05 are here. We have updated the message accordingly.Original message from 05 November:Last night...
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WoW: The last time for a long time "mega boost" for reputation and...
Those who still want to bring characters to the maximum level or increase reputation with certain factions these days in preparation for the new WoW expansion Shadowlands are in...
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WoW: Shadowlands even brings Ghostcrawler back to Azeroth
Most veteran WoW players will be familiar with the name Ghostcrawler. This nickname is Greg Street, former developer and lead system designer at Blizzard. However, the biology...
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WoW: Paladins vs. death knights! Argent guards warn at the pre-event
WoW: Shadowlands is all about death. Bolvar and the Knights of the Black Blade head to the Shadowlands to challenge Sylvanas and the mighty Dungeon Master. In the process, the...
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WoW Classic: Forest of Elwynn invites you to the Darkmoon Faire
It's that time again! From May 04 to May 11, the Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic has pitched its tents in the Forest of Elywnn near Gold Grove. Horde characters best take the...
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WoW Classic: Frost aura at Sapphiron every second - bug or feature?
Almost a week ago, interested players were allowed to test the two final bosses from Naxxramas for the first time on the WoW Classic public test server: Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad...
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WoW: The mentor program is here - help the up-and-coming players!
With the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, Blizzard is doing everything it can to improve WoW not only for established players, but also to make the MMORPG interesting for complete...
Czytaj więcej ⇾ credit and WoW game time at Aldi - this is how confusion happens
Remember. One of our readers contacted us and described that he wanted to buy credits at a branch of Aldi Süd, but got a code for WoW game time printed on a receipt. A...
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WoW: Forge your own legendary items - Blizzard Preview
On the official website of World of Warcraft, the Blizzard developers have put online a preview article in which they introduce you to the crafting of legendary items in the...
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WoW Classic: Forest of Elwynn invites you to the Darkmoon Faire
It's that time again! From May 04 to May 11, the Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic has pitched its tents in the Forest of Elywnn near Gold Grove. Horde characters best take the...
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WoW: Ghostcrawler about his return and leveling in the pre-patch
We had reported: Former Blizzard designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has returned to Azeroth after a six-year absence. Shadowlands looks good, his friends want to play the new...
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WoW: Blizzard honors deserving employees with in-game items
In one of the past beta builds of WoW Shadowlands, a whole bunch of BoE items were inserted, which caused some displeasure among the top guilds. What didn't immediately strike...
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WoW: Kyrians now travel faster than before to the peaks of ascension
Actually, the "Spires of Ascension" dungeon in WoW Shadowlands is not particularly far from the Elysian Stronghold, the Covenant sanctuary of the Kyrians. Nevertheless, until now...
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WoW: Ghostcrawler about leveling in pre-patch and Legion
As is well known, former Blizzard developer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street is currently playing the pre-patch of WoW: Shadowlands to prepare for the upcoming expansion. Back in...
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WoW: Organization Method is about to return, Echo Guild has sponsors
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update from October 5, 2020As we previously reported, the Method guild and brand built by Scott 'Sco' McMillan broke up due to allegations of...
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WoW: Torghast opens wings 7 and 8 - more soul ash available
Torghast is a divisive issue in WoW Shadowlands. Some players love the new mode and fight with passion with several characters through the six levels of the various corridors and...
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WoW: For the winter queen! So beautiful could be druid forms of the night fae
The Forest of Arden is the realm of the Winter Queen, who watches over the cycle of nature and welcomes the souls of nature spirits into her realm of the dead. Upon our arrival in...
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WoW Classic: Phase 6 has started - all info on patch 1.13.6 (Naxxramas!)
WoW Classic: Phase 6 has started - all info on patch 1.13.61. When will the Scourge event, Naxxramas and Co. start?2. contents of Classic Phase 6 and Patch Notes3. WoW Classic:...
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WoW: German patch notes of the hotfixes from December 15
Update from December 16:The Blizzard developers have published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from December 15. We have updated the message accordingly.Original...
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WoW Patch 8.3: New Deplete buff for M+ - but only for level 9 and lower
If you're running out of time in the fourth Mythic-Plus season of WoW (buy now €14.99 ) and need a little more power to complete the dungeon, you can pick up a buff similar to...
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WoW: Asmongold and the hunt for the Moonkin army
Shortly before the change to the year 2021, WoW-Influencer Asmongold stumbled upon an eerie goings-on in Nazmir, probably rather by chance. Nearly 50 Moonkin Druids unanimously...
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WoW: Account banned with 100 million gold - thanks to new Blizzard rule
What would you do if Blizzard gave your WoW account a permanent ban out of nowhere, citing a change in the user agreement that had not been communicated to the outside world? This...
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WoW: Roam through Azeroth - Kalimdor announced
After years of Blizzard telling WoW lore outside of the online role-playing game almost exclusively through novels, comics, short stories and the Chronicles, the developers have...
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WoW: Players are no longer kicked from Torghast - Hotfix
Yesterday, January 06, numerous players traveled to Torghast. Sure, the new Sinuous Corridors had opened for the first time. With "Tracks of the Lion" a quest from Bolvar wanted...
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WoW: Exploit discovered - farm infinite Stygia despite dungeon master
If you want to farm the currency Stygia in the Maw of the Shadowlands in order to be able to buy various bonuses from the mediator Ve'nari, you will sooner or later come up...
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WoW: The power of mana - where does the power juice of wizards come from?
Most spellcasters in WoW use it quite automatically and hardly anyone ever thinks about it: Mana. The magic fuel that many elves are addicted to, whose loss makes healers break...
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WoW: All 40s raids from Classic in under 4 hours - Fusion did it
Earlier today, we reported that pro guilds in WoW Classic are currently trying their hand at speedrun records again - thanks to Darkmoon Faire. The current record holder comes...
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WoW: January 16 hotfixes for patch 9.x - Patch Notes
The World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion is live, and the next set of bug fixes and adjustments have been pushed out today in the form of hotfixes.Below you can read the...
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WoW: What do you actually farm Stygia for?
There was a question on Twitter the other day from a user about WoW: Shadowlands that can be summed up as, "Why are we farming Stygia anyway?" And I can well understand the...
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WoW: Ingenious idea - how fans use toys against botters
Who hasn't experienced it before: You're leisurely wandering through Azeroth or currently the Shadowlands, farming a few materials for your crafting - and suddenly a botter runs...
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WoW: These classes/specs are most sought after by good raiding guilds
What class should I play next? And which spec will bring the most to my raid? This is a question many WoW players ask themselves, especially when they are new to the content and...
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Tease. WotLK Classic hinted at in official WoW poll!
WoW Classic was unapologetically a huge success for the World of Warcraft developers at Blizzard, and the Classic version of Burning Crusade also hit like gangbusters - though not...
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Fan Challenges: The true test of a brewmaster in WoW!
We - as WoW players, that is - are once again stuck in the middle of this strange time. By that we mean the in-between time between two WoW expansions, which always feels...
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WoW: Rogerbrown and Scripe from Echo: This could make the RWF more attractive
The Race to World First in Mausoleum of the First recently came to an end as the longest event in its history to date. For almost four weeks now, the top guilds of WoW:...
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WoW: DpS in the Mausoleum of the First - Sorcerer between Heaven and Hell
Table of ContentsPage1. WoW: DpS at Mausoleum of the First - Sorcerer between Heaven and HellNext page1.1. WoW: DpS at Attentive Guardian1.2. WoW: DpS at Dausegne, the Fallen...
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WoW: The weather on the island of Quel'Danas - Blizzard solves TBC mystery
The Alliance fighter Mizore complained bitterly in the WoW forum a few days ago about the fact that it is constantly raining on the Isle of Quel'Danas, which has been accessible...
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WoW Patch 9.2.5: Cross-faction play - what you can and cannot do
It is a turning point in the history of WoW. With the upcoming patch 9.2.5, the border between Horde and Alliance will be softened and will allow characters from different...
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WoW: Is Dragonflight just a Mists of Pandaria 2.0? Players draw comparison
With Dragonflight, Blizzard recently announced the ninth expansion for World of Warcraft. Included: a landmass that has been hidden since the Great Shattering, a new, unexpected...
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WoW: Pure goosebumps - the Lich King in Unreal Engine 5
With Shadowlands, we saw the final demise of arguably the most popular and iconic WoW character of all time. To the chagrin of many players, this moment wasn't nearly as epic as...
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The dystopian truth about the forgotten WoW secret
Do you remember the creepiest Easter Egg from WoW Classic ever, which we brought to you a few weeks ago? The video was made by Alex from House Hexagon and if you don't know it...
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WoW TBC Classic: 3rd season ends surprisingly early, first info on Sunwell
Just last month, phase 4 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic was launched. The most important feature of the phase: the 10-player raid Zul'Aman. Meanwhile, the Battle for Hyjal and...
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WoW: Dragonflight: We introduce you to the new zones of the Dragon Islands
WoW Dragonflight: Introducing the Dragon Isles1. Why do we visit the Dragon Islands at all?The four new zones of the Dragon Islands2.1 The Coast of Awakening2.2 The Plains of...
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WoW: WotLK Classic is still coming in 2022! All info about the Lich King Addon...
"From his grim citadel deep in the heart of the frozen continent of Northrend, the dreaded Lich King Arthas Menethil sets about his conquest of Azeroth. " Finally, the Lich King...
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WoW: Dragonflight: Transmog fans rejoice - mogging gray and white items
After the announcement of WoW: Dragonflight, WoW players got a lot of new things to talk about. However, a lot of interesting information about the new expansion and the near...
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The Dragonflight effect - WoW mark price briefly at 300,000 (as of 4/25/22)
In World of Warcraft (buy now ), the WoW token is used to finance one's subscription and thus one's playing time per month with the in-game currency gold. If you need game time...
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WoW: Dragonflight: Cool! Arena rating and rewards for PvP solo queue
With patch 9.2 of WoW: Shadowlands, the developers have been testing how solo entries for the 3v3 arena could look like and how to design fair teams via the PvP brawl "Mixed...
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WoW: Body of the Dracthyr in Dragonflight will be customizable!
WoW: Dragonflight will bring a new playable race called the Dracthyr, which will also have exclusive access to the Caller of the Dracthyr class. However, the dragon-like caster...
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WoW: Hazzikostas reveals the ideal length for Race to World First in...
The Mausoleum of the First will go down in history as one of the toughest WoW raids. Even seven weeks after the mythic mode opened, as of this typing, not even 30 guilds have...
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WoW Patch 9.2.5 facilitates the production of Legendary blanks
The Legendarys in WoW: Shadowlands are not only a source of massive player power, but also a grave for vast amounts of gold for most players. Although the resources for the...
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The best WoW clones! Well stolen is half won
It's a bone-chillingly cold winter day as two adventurers wander through the forest of Elwynn: a gnome warlock and a night elf rogue. It's still a while until the next expansion...
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WoW: Dragons, Void, Tinker - the theme doesn't matter, the features have...
The weeks and months before Blizzard officially announces a new WoW expansion, which will happen on April 19, 2022, were once again filled with various leaks and fake leaks about...
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WoW: I will probably never get this feature back ...
WoW: Legion was the expansion where my interest slowly declined after many years of WoW. Which is not to say that I think Legion is grit, I think the expansion is pretty great...
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WoW: And again nerfs in the Mausoleum Raid - Hotfixes from March 9, 2022
Ah woe, you always have that thought somehow when you study the patch notes of the current WoW hotfixes and have to realize that the tuning of the raid bosses in Mausoleum of the...
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WoW: Mythic nerfs for Attentive Guardian - hotfixes March 10, 2022
The developers of WoW: Shadowlands have released the hotfixes for March 10, 2022, and in doing so, in addition to some bug fixes for classes, they subjected the first boss in...
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WoW: Disintegrated Crest of Lordaeron - item is temporarily removed
Some things just don't work the way they are supposed to. This is also the case with WoW Patch 9.2. There are dungeons so hard that they have to be generated, or the little...
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WoW: New treasury UI, but season 2 loot? Yup, that must be so
You've noticed: Season 3 of WoW: Shadowlands started today, March 2, 2022. This means that the new requirements for the Great Treasury in Oribos are now active. By active, we mean...
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WoW: Christie Golden on Blizzard, Sylvanas, passion and WoW lore
Sylvanas Windrunner bears many titles in World of Warcraft: Banshee Queen, the Dark Princess, Ranger General, or Queen of the Forsaken. Most of the epithets bear witness to a...
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WoW: The Mage Tower returns next week - for good!
The return of the Mage Tower in WoW: Shadowlands presented players with a greater challenge than anticipated. Even with good time-travel gear, many players invested hundreds of...
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WoW: Faster to the glory levels - thanks to new campaign in patch 9.2
If you're about to embark on the adventures of Patch 9.2, you probably first fought your way through the three chapters of the new campaign. In the process, we got to know the new...
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WoW: The most popular DpS classes from the 2nd Mythic Plus Season
After several months, the second season of WoW: Shadowlands is coming to an end not only for PvP players, but also for Mythic-Plus heroes. In the process, many millions of...
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WoW: The faction boundaries will be dissolved! Feature comes with patch 9.2.5
The fact that the faction borders will be dissolved in World of Warcraft has been discussed for a while. Now the developers are getting serious and want to test cross-faction...
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WoW: Blizzard's shadow forums with WoW influencers may exist after all
With the Community Council, the developers of World of Warcraft have selected a small group of players who represent all areas of the game. Through a new forum, where only the...
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WoW: Cross Faction Play - just a (first) step in the right direction!
There's been a new wind at Blizzard for a few months now. You could almost say that the sexism scandal last summer has set some positive things in motion for WoW, even aside from...
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WoW: The best raids from 17 years of World of Warcraft
In more than 17 years of World of Warcraft, our heroes have been in over four dozen different raids, sending hundreds of bosses into the dust. We've defeated massive dragons...
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WoW Expansion "Leak": Journey to Dragonmire: So good it must be real?
We continue to eagerly await Mike Ybarra's predicted announcement for this week, which is supposed to deliver several updates to current and upcoming Blizzard projects. Or was the...
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WoW: Phase 3 of TBC Classic - Hyjal and Black Temple open today!
Attention, this is a service reminder for all WoW: Burning Crusade Classic players! Tonight, January 27, 2022, phase 3 of TBC Classic will kick off! Punctually starting at 23:59...
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WoW: Conscious twinkling part 4 - damp merry sink in the beer country
A story with five acts1. Twinken in WoW: Wet feet, wet throats2. Twinken in WoW: Nature strikes back3. Twink in WoW: Bearded girl for everything4. Twink in WoW: Undead for a short...
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WoW: When will we finally get the Wandering Judgment?
Time and again, players come around the corner with cool ideas for various Transmog sets or mounts, but they never get realized by the WoW developers. Then in September of last...
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WoW: Exciting statistics about Mythic+ and the pacts from Shadowlands
Since Blizzard itself is always very reticent when it comes to transparent statistics about WoW and the WoW community, we have to rely on external tools and websites to find out...
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WoW: Riding in the maw? With patch 9.1 finally possible on all mounts!
The Maw is one of the most unpopular areas in WoW Shadowlands. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, we can't stay in it for long, because the Eye of the Dungeon...
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WoW: Armor sets from the Sanctum of Domination come in Legendary look
Actually, the class sets from the raids should make their comeback sometime in the course of WoW Shadowlands. However, this will not happen with the upcoming patch 9.1. Instead...
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WoW: Sex in Azeroth - the romantic escapades of the paladin Marcus
Note from February 11, 2021: While we were looking for another article, we came across this one and wondered: What has Marcus been up to in Battle for Azeroth? Is he out and...
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WoW: November 12 hotfixes for Encyclopedia, Sylvanas, and Brewmaster.
Although everyone is currently focusing on the freshly announced patch 9.2 for World of Warcraft , little things are also happening on the Shadowlands live servers. Hotfixes, for...
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60 euros for 60 levels! WoW with new character boost for the impatient
Although the preview video for WoW patch 9.2 was the focus last night, there was also an announcement for the live version of WoW: Shadowlands. Blizzard now offers a character...
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WoW Patch 9.2: Developers on Release, T-Sets, Grind & Faction Limits -...
Page1 WoW Patch 9.2: Developers on release, T-sets, grind & faction limits - InterviewNext pagePage2 WoW Patch 9.2: Developer interview about release, T-sets, grind &...
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WoW: How a cryptocurrency was created from a wizard nerf
Bitcoin and Co. have still not reached the center of society as a means of payment, but it is hard to imagine the financial world without them today. The virtual cryptocurrencies...
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17th birthday of WoW: Devil's Rabbit comes to Tanaris! Loot preview
How quickly time flies! On November 23, 2004, the U.S. servers of World of Warcraft went online for the first time. Although WoW was not officially released in Europe until...
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WoW: Half a year without new content? Patch 9.2 will still take a long time
In WoW, there is once again a lull in content at the moment. The last relevant content came into the game with the last patch 9.1 in the form of the Sanctum of Domination, the...
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WoW: 50 hours of time lost protodragon in fast motion - almost with loot drama
If you haven't hunted the Time Lost Protodragon in the Storm Peaks in your WoW heroic life, raise your hand. It can be assumed that there are very few hands raised in the air...
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WoW: Hardcore in Classic Fresh - intentional and unintentional deaths of...
As you know, Blizzard offers a Warmaster variant of the hardcore playstyle for WoW Classic: Season of Mastery: You can mark your character for the iron path at level 60, but if...
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WoW: Confusion about maintenance work on Wednesday evening (Update)
Highlight current changes Yes No On Wednesday, October 6, scheduled maintenance will take place in WoW. From 22:00 to 23:00 the servers will be unavailable. So instead of working...
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WoW: This is why raids have become the worst part of the game according to...
Raids are a big part of the end game in almost every MMO. In WoW, too, we're drawn to a wide variety of raids. But these are "now boring and not really worth it," says Asmongold...
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WoW Patch 9.2: Secrets of the First - Chapter 1 of Zereth Mortis Campaign
In World of Warcraft 9.2, "The Enlightened" are midwayers who arrived long ago on Zereth Mortis, the patch's new game zone. They no longer see their home as transactional, but as...
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Does the WoW 10.0 leak steal from the Guild Wars 2 story?
Creative minds should constantly inspire each other - at least that's what I think. After all, if every single idea remains uncopyable, new stories are almost impossible at some...
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WoW Patch 9.2: New healer weapon from the Raid delivers exactly what you need
With WoW Patch 9.2, when we set out to put the dungeon master Zovaal in the Mausoleum of the First back in the chains he deserves, we will not only be able to capture lots of new...
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WoW Patch 9.2: End of Eternity - our big overview of the new update
Table of Contents1. WoW Patch 9.2: Story2. WoW Patch 9.2: The new area Zereth Mortis3. WoW Patch 9.2: The inhabitants of Zereth Mortis4. WoW Patch 9.2: Ciphers of the First and...
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WoW Patch 9.2: Secrets of the First - Chapter 2 of Zereth Mortis Campaign
Since World of Warcraft 9.2, we know: The Big Bang never existed - all fantasies of imaginary stargazers. The universe, the world, even the nightlife was handmade by the first...
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WoW: Goodbye forever, dominion shards - I won't miss them
Even in patch 9.2, do I still need to farm and upgrade Domination Sockets? Do I really have to collect Stygian Embers every week again with the character I grew especially for...
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WoW: Forum for Council of Players is open - get to know your representatives
Update from December 9, 2021: We have a crisp follow-up on WoW's Community Council for you: The Player Council forum section is online! While only members of the Blizzard crew or...
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WoW Patch 9.2: Blizzard listens to feedback - first tier set bonuses will be...
At the same time as patch 9.1.5, Blizzard announced that it would listen more to feedback from the community in the future and take both criticism and suggestions for improvement...
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WoW: This villain broke the machinery of death! (Spoiler)
The fate of the Judge has been on our minds since the beginning of WoW: Shadowlands. She determined the fate of countless mortals after their deaths and was thus one of the most...
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WoW Patch 9.2: New raid tests on the PTR - now it's Anduin's turn!
Obviously, the Blizzard developers have made it a point not to lose any more time on the way to WoW Patch 9.2 and are showing an impressive pace on the PTR. Not yet two weeks...
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WoW: Blizzard comments on external cooldowns like Soul of Power
The fact that your teammates improve your performance and vice versa is not only part of WoW, but actually of every MMORPG. Usually, these are buffs that you distribute to your...
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WoW: Blizzard's co-lead praises own sell runs - fans are angry
Blizzard's new co-lead Mike Ybarra quickly endeared himself to the WoW community shortly after his introduction, showing that he seems to be one of the few people in charge who...
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WoW: German patch notes of the hotfixes from November 10, 2021
Update from November 11:The Blizzard developers have published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from November 10. We have updated the message accordingly.Original...
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WoW: New character customizations for allied races in Blizzard preview
For the Allied Races, WoW Patch 9.1.5 comes with many new design options for eyes, hairstyles, accessories, and lots of new hair and skin colors. In the official blog, the WoW...
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WoW TBC Classic: Battlegrounds with tribe groups are coming back!
At the beginning of September, the time had come: after two rounds of testing, the Blizzard developers finally introduced the ability to fight against your own faction on the...
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Cool fan concept - housing could be this nice in WoW
Housing is a tiresome topic in World of Warcraft. After the farm in Mists of Pandaria and the garrison in Warlords of Draenor, the developers have discarded the feature again...
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WoW: After Ybarra tweet - The biggest boosters defend boosts in WoW
Blizzard co-lead Mike Ybarra's tweet about boosting in WoW has since made big waves in the community and brought a small shitstorm on Ybarra. Now WoW pro guilds like Echo, Limit...
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WoW Classic: Season of the Championship has a release date!
While some testing is still going on on the beta servers of WoW Classic Fresh , the Blizzard developers are preparing for the start of the first season of the championship. On...
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WoW Patch 9.1.5: Mage Tower will be available for testing for one day starting...
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update 10/20/21:Community Manager Linxy announces in the official WoW forum that the Mage Tower will be available for testing from Thursday...
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WoW: Fantastic fan artworks show Naxxramas, Molten Core and more
We had introduced you to the first WoW artwork by Lionel Schramm a few months ago. Lionel is a talented concept artist and illustrator who specializes in atmospheric environment...
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WoW: Can goblins and gnomes become paladins? Fan introduces cool concepts
The Paladin is one of the original classes of the World of Warcraft. As a holy warrior, the Paladin has always been the symbol of bravery, dedication, and righteousness. Blizzard...
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WoW TBC Classic: Starting today, short battleground wait times are forever*!
After two rounds of testing, we now have confirmation from the Blizzard developers! With today's ID change on September 1st, the Battlegrounds system of WoW: Burning Crusade...
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WoW Patch 9.1.5: These are the four new druid travel guilds
In the last few hours, the Blizzard developers have added several new features to the PTR patch notes for WoW patch 9.1.5. Among them is a point that should make all druids...
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WoW Patch 9.1.5: New options for Allied Races are on the PTR
World of Warcraft is getting even more colorful and diverse with patch 9.1.5, at least when it comes to the appearance of ally races. After the first preview of the new character...
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WoW TBC Classic: Raid logging will get worse with phase 2
Have you also had the feeling in recent days and weeks that there is less and less going on in the Outland of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic? At the same time, I see more and more...
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WoW: HD variants of the starting equipment replace old armor pieces
Highlight current changes Yes No Update from September 06th:WoW patch 9.1.5 is all about cosmetic changes - and that's why it's now confirmed what we already suspected a short...
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Only the tough ones: The most murderous WoW Challenges
Sometimes we don't feel like relaxing anymore. To eat croissants for breakfast and run cozy dungeons. To go fishing with our guildmates. To let the soothing gunpowder fumes of...
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WoW: New Ve'nari resource in patch 9.1 - Stygia is not worth hoarding
The wowhead team interviewed Principal Game Designer Jeremy Feasel and Technical Director Frank Kowalkowski of WoW during BlizzConline. From these interviews we gained a lot of...
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WoW: Shadowlands divides the opinions of the players as rarely before - Column
Table of Contents1. Story and leveling2. Less loot makes this more valuable....3. the maw - joy or fiasco?4. Endless Grind and Anima5. Subjective impression or objective...
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WoW: World First Mythic Plus 26 completed in time
The Chinese team of Vengeful Demon Hunter Raincloudy, Holy Paladin 杰克丶, Fire Mage Himelody, Balance Druid Starsfireman, and Lawlessness Rogue 最靓蘑菇头 have broken...
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WoW: Patch 9.1 - How long will it take to unlock flying?
When WoW Patch 9.1 is released, we'll also be able to fly in the Shadowlands - but not right away. That's because, as in past WoW expansions, there will once again be a Pathfinder...
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WoW: Arthas, Anduin and Zovaal - Lore news in patch 9.1
BlizzCon 2021 was exciting! After the first panel for World of Warcraft, there were naturally a lot of questions in the WoW community, which Blizzard's developers answered one by...
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WoW: The Wandering Urtum - the community mount comes with patch 9.0.5
Highlight current changes Yes No Update from 20.02.2021: In the meantime, the developers have revealed when the Wandering Urtum will finally come into the game. Already with patch...
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WoW: Sylvanas aka Patty Mattson sings "Lamentations of the Highborn
The renowned and extremely talented musician Jay The Bard, in collaboration with Patty Mattson (also known as the voice of Sylvanas Windrunner), created the most beautiful version...
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WoW: Patch 9.0.5 brings great comfort updates for the Gluthof
The Gluthof der Venthyr in WoW Shadowlands is a lot of fun - but also a lot of work. Because if you want to entertain your guests at your parties, you not only have to win their...
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WoW: Machinima artist creates homage to afterlife: Bastion
Afterlife: Bastion is Shadowlands' first animated short film set in Bastion, the Kyrian realm of the dead. In the video, we learn more details about the tragic fate of Uther...
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WoW-Addon: Finally have a plan at the mission table with Venture Plan
Have you ever noticed that somehow, in every expansion, it's always the mission table that gives WoW heroes the most headaches? For many World of Warcraft players, the mission...
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WoW: When Silt Fist suddenly zigzags at you!
When guilds and groups face the eighth boss Silt Fist in the current WoW raid Castle Nathria, they tend to worry about their damage and healing rather than delving into the...
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WoW: When will patch 9.1 be released - do we have to wait until June?
Patch 9.1 will be the first major content update for WoW: Shadowlands - and what a patch it will be. We finally get to take revenge on Sylvanas (hopefully), we find out what's...
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WoW: Blizzard calls on players to report unfriendly players via pop-up
At the launch of the new ID, many European players were greeted with a new pop-up window in WoW. In it, Blizzard reminds players that World of Warcraft is an online game where you...
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WoW: German Patch Notes of the Hotfixes from August 10, 2021
Update from August 11:The Blizzard developers have published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from August 10. We have updated the message accordingly.Original message...
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WoW: Waiting time for open ticket? 140 days - Blizzard support in 2021
Blizzard support and care for the WoW community has changed a lot in recent years. Those who have been playing World of Warcraft for many years can certainly attest to that. Here...
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WoW: Fame level 61 increases item level for loot from world quests & Korthia
The rewards that players receive in WoW: Shadowlands via world quests were not even good enough for most Twinks in terms of item level. But that's changing in this third week of...
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WoW: Asmongold believes "massive changes are coming".
What's the future of World of Warcraft amidst declining player numbers, increasing competition, and internal scandals at developer Blizzard? That's exactly the question Twitch...
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WoW: Last Call! Remember to pick up Daisy and Bananas in the shop!
Shortly after the virtual BlizzCon in February, Blizzard launched a pet benefit program in WoW where donors could support the worldwide fight against COVID-19. All donations went...
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WoW: German Patch Notes of the Hotfixes from August 18, 2021
Update from August 19: Blizzard has published the German patch notes for the WoW hotfixes of August 18, 2021. We have updated the message accordingly.Original message from August...
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WoW: Blizzard has no plans to tone down Shard of Domination (Update)
Highlight recent changes Yes No Update 7/30: Blizzard has since commented on the surprise nerf, which was immediately retracted. They do not plan to implement these nerfs. Some...
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WoW: Reinforced media sockets now accessible - here's how they work
Fame level 61 is the first time players will get access to the first boosted media sockets as a reward. But what exactly is this actually about. Because that's not really...
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WoW TBC Classic: Phase 2 is on the PTR - with Epic flightform quest line!
Last weekend, there was a rough announcement from Lead Producer Holly Longdale that Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic would be landing on the public test server soon. A few...
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WoW: Record start & massive losses - Shadowlands at under 2 million players
WoW Shadowlands has been divisive since its release at the end of 2020, with some players liking the new features and others not liking Torghast, the Pacts, or the Maw...
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WoW: German Patch Notes of the Hotfixes from August 17, 2021
Update from August 18:Blizzard has published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from August 17. We have updated the message accordingly.Original message from August...
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WoW: Downgraded Mythic Plus keys are harder than planned thanks to affix bug
Actually, the goal of Mythic-Plus dungeons in WoW Shadowlands is to level up as high as your skill and equipment will allow. In some cases, however, it makes sense to...
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WoW: Did Blizzard think ahead? Gambling with hand mounts not possible
The new "Hand Mounts" from WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.1 are hot due to their appearance and fresh model. They also have a unique mount special animation that allows you to play Rock...
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WoW: Patch 9.1 removes breaks between PvP brawls
Since their introduction in WoW Legion, PvP brawls have been a pleasant change of pace from everyday PvP in the arenas and battlegrounds. And they are not only popular with PvP...
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WoW: Burning Crusade Classic would be much better with dual talent distribution!
WoW: Burning Crusade Classic has a problem from my point of view. There is an incredible amount to do on Outland, especially in the early days: level up, farm reputation, visit...
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WoW: Confusion around Soul Ash Packs - Unlock only with fame level 44
WoW players rejoiced at the news that with patch 9.1 of Shadowlands they can send the Torghast resource to their Twinks via the Packed Soul Ash. While you lose 50 Soul Ash each...
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WoW BC Classic: Hotfix at the AH should prevent lags - at the expense of...
The auction house plays a big role in WoW. In BC Classic it is even more important than in Shadowlands, because the products of the craftsmen, for example, play a greater role and...
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WoW: You've never seen Azeroth like this before! Fan builds the big world...
The game world of World of Warcraft has literally outgrown its borders. Besides Azeroth, there are countless worlds out there that we've already visited or know nothing about yet...
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WoW: The servers are online! Have fun with patch 9.1 Chains of Domination
Update from June 30th:Although the maintenance was supposed to run until 14:00, the servers are already back online! We wish you a lot of fun in Korthia and Co. All information...
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WoW 9.1: Sanctum of Domination - Only 2 BoEs per armor class left
Sloot recently interviewed WoW's lead game designer Morgan Day. The two talked mostly about Patch 9.1 and the upcoming content for WoW Shadowlands' first major update. From this...
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WoW: Korthian gear - The Stygia catch-up gear from Korthia
Korthia is the new quest area in patch 9.1, where you can expect the new reputation faction Death's Advance, where newcomers, stragglers, and twinks can upgrade their item level...
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WoW: Night Fae Saint Priest is currently the closest to the Bard
When discussing new classes in WoW, the Tinker takes up most of the discussion. Close behind, however, is the Bard. In other games, the Bard is the pure support class, providing...
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WoW: Bug or Myth? The "Not a Bug List" from BC Classic
Similar to the WoW Classic re-release, many bugs were reported during the BC Classic beta that are actually not bugs at all, but are supposed to be in the game exactly as they are...
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WoW Patch 9.1: New merchant lets you trade M+ keys
In the new PTR build of Shadowlands Patch 9.1, you will find a merchant named Ta'hsup where you can trade Mythic-Plus Keystones. After completing an M+ dungeon successfully during...
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WoW: In patch 9.1 there's a lot more soul ash from Torghast
Torghast is one of the most important features of WoW Shadowlands, but the Tower of the Damned is not really popular. There have been repeated complaints in the community that...
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WoW: Fun Detected - Engineer's cardboard tank will be generated with patch...
Beep Boop, Fun Detected. A rather innocuous but still quite useful engineer's gadget is being toned down in WoW Shadowlands patch 9.1. The cardboard beep boop is a kit that...
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WoW: Nimble and elegant - new mount animation for Sylvanas' Dragon Falcon
Sylvanas Windrunner is the final boss of the new Sanctum of Domination raid. Those who defeat the Banshee Queen in WoW patch 9.1 in mythic mode will receive an eerily beautiful...
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WoW: BoEs in the Sanctum of Domination? Yes, but less than in Castle Nathria!
Thanks to the items bound during creation, the so-called BoEs, the top guilds were already able to equip themselves with extremely good equipment in the first week of the current...
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WoW: Patch 9.1 - Soul Cinders: Costs for Legendary upgrades adjusted
Highlight Recent Changes Yes No Update, May 09, 2021: WoW developers have made a small adjustment to the cost of upgrading Legendarys with Soul Cinders in the latest PTR build...
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WoW: Torghast will not be a level feature with 9.1 - but maybe with 9.1.5
With the upcoming patch 9.1 one of the biggest features of WoW Shadowlands will be massively reworked. We are talking about Torghast, the Tower of the Damned. It will get a new...
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WoW Patch 9.1: First look at the trinkets from Sanctum of Domination
The most interesting items from a new raid are usually the trinkets, which often have a special effect. We take a look at the Trinkets from the upcoming raid Sanctum of Domination...
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WoW: What's coming with the TBC Classic pre-patch on May 19th? (Update)
WoW: TBC Classic - What's coming with the pre-patch on May 19th? 1. bisection of the Classic world2. The highlight new features of the pre-patch3. What else will change with the...
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WoW: Torghast, Runemason, Denathrius - skip quest lines with patch 9.1
WoW Shadowlands is under the banner of being particularly twink-friendly. And in many areas, you can't deny that about the expansion by any stretch of the imagination. Of course...
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WoW: Season 2 Affix brings Torghast into the M+ dungeons - including Animaboni?
The PTR for WoW Patch 9.1 has been up for a while, but there was still a lot of content and customization missing. In the latest build, a whole bunch of these missing things...
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WoW: Solo raid BfA for transmogs! This is what you have to watch out for
Solo into the raids of BfA - for fashion! "Well, off to Castle Nathria?" Before the dwarf can even answer, the rogue rises with a...
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WoW: Sex in Azeroth - the romantic escapades of Paladin Marcus
Some or others will now raise their eyebrows in confusion. Sex in WoW? There's no such thing! There is, and we don't mean the infamous cyber-sexing in Gold Grove. No, this...
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WoW: Is Shadowlands a good expansion to return to WoW?
After more than 15 years, there are many former WoW players who have recently or long turned their backs on the world of Azeroth. Many of them wonder anew with every...
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WoW: Echoes from the past - Blizzard shows first drafts of Azeroth
To celebrate Blizzard's 30th anniversary, the World of Warcraft development team published some exciting sketches by lore guru and WoW creator Chris Metzen on...
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WoW: Chi-Ji vs Yu'lon - how to use the mist caster cooldowns
The Mistcaster Monk in WoW Shadowlands can summon one of the Celestial Exalted every three minutes. We'll show you how to generate a lot of healing from it and...
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WoW: Bear Power! Pure Tank Druid Raid clears Castle Nathria
Already in the past expansion, pure tank raids were quite popular and also successful. With WoW Shadowlands, however, essences and corruption effects fell away, which...
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WoW: Army of 150 bears kills world boss Oranomonos in a few seconds
With an army of 150 bears, a WoW player was able to knock out world boss Oranomonos in a matter of seconds. Original: The world quest "Wrath of Aliothe" in the Arden...
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WoW: "Away Victory" - the new rare enemies from patch 5.1, tips
Blizzard's WoW makers are also expanding the selection of rare opponents in Pandaria with patch 5.1 for World of Warcraft. With luck, the new "Rare Spawns" will...
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WoW Patch 9.0.5: New Animaboni and Necrolord Pact Ability for Warriors
With patch 9.0.5 of WoW Shadowlands, warriors can expect some changes for the animaboni in Torghast. In addition, the unpopular Necrolord pact ability will be...
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