WoW TBC Classic: Starting today, short battleground wait times are forever*!
After two rounds of testing
, we now have confirmation from the Blizzard developers! With today's ID change on September 1st, the Battlegrounds system of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic will also let us compete against teams of our own faction, forever* (*the rest of the TBC Classic era). In this way, Horde players in particular should notice significantly shorter wait times, which in turn could attract many more players to Battlegrounds.The official announcement from Community Manager Kaivax states:
"As part of the weekly maintenance in each region, we are enabling the ability for battlegrounds to be created against the same faction. This option will go into effect if no battleground can be created against the opposing faction after a short wait. Currently, we intend for this system to apply to the rest of Burning Crusade Classic.
We are also reactivating the restriction that organized battleground groups can consist of a maximum of five players. This measure is expected to be temporary. We are continuing to explore our options for organized battlegroups and will keep you updated on our long-term plans.
Thank you!"
So for those of you who prefer to sign up for Battlegrounds with a full core group, you can still have hope that Blizzard will make this option available again soon. How about it: Are you jumping into Battlegrounds much more often now, or is PvP in Burning Crusade completely off your hero's backside? Tell us in the comments!
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