WoW: Undead Pets for Undead Hunters as of Patch 9.0! New pet families in Shadowlands

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Update on 13 October 2020: The pre-patch for WoW Shadowlands is just around the corner. Therefore, a small reminder for undead hunters. Blizzard confirms that the Forsaken will be able to tame undead animals as companions starting tomorrow. You don't need a tome for that! All other game races require Simple Tome of Bone binding. However, this tome will not be available until WoW Shadowlands launches.
Here follows a small selection of fancy new undead pets:
Source: buffed Undead birds can be found on the Devastated Isles in Val'sharah, Stormhome, and in the Soulmaw dungeon. Also in Icecrown and Hill Country Foothills. Source: buffed You can find Hellhounds in Stormheim, Drustvar, Talador, Suramar, and the Firelands, for example. Source: buffed Undead raptors can be found in Nazmir (new model) and Swampland (classic fossil model). Source: buffed The new undead devil dinosaurs can be found in Nazmir. Source: buffed There is also a golden variant of undead devil dinosaurs. Most of them are also in Nazmir. Source: buffed Gluth, Stinki and Schatzi are cult! You can find these undead dogs in Naxxramas and in the Icecrown Citadel raid. Source: buffed In Tanaris, the Sunken Temple, the Spires of Arak, and the Tanaan Jungle, you'll find undead wind snakes galore!By the way, on petopia you can find all the most important information about hunter companions.
October 10, 2020: The Shadowlands are one of the many mysteries of World of Warcraft. With the new expansion WoW: Shadowlands, Blizzard reveals the great mystery of the afterlife. On our journey through the Shadowlands, we encounter powerful beings and creatures that roam the wilderness of the four great realms of the dead. These fierce monsters are sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrifying. But as an old WoW hunter's adage goes: even the most dangerous creatures can be tamed one day! With WoW: Shadowlands, the developers confirm this old rule and give the hunter numerous new tameable beasts that make every hunter's heart beat faster. More storage space for the stable is on top of it!
Astral cloud serpents and undead devil dinosaurs. Source: Wowhead But what new pets await the huntsman in WoW (buy now 14,99 € ): Shadowlands? Well, you can look forward not only to new Shadowlands companions, but also to new pets from Azeroth. There are also two new pet families that shine in battle with specific abilities. Here follows the summary with the most important information about the animal friends of the hunter:
- As already mentioned, the hunter's stable will be enlarged. With patch 9.0, the hunter can house 200 beasts in his stable. The adjustment was long overdue. Full-time hunters have been complaining for years that the mandatory stable is far too small for the large number of new pets.
- Camels and racers (horses and unicorns) are two new pet families coming to the game in patch 9.0.
- In the future, hunters will be able to bring cloud serpents like Elegon and Tsulong to their side as companions. But before you go hunting for the astral cloud serpents, you need the book How to School Your Serpent! You can get the said tome from the MoP faction Order of the Cloud Serpent, provided you have a revered reputation with the faction. The book is tied to your account. This means that you can also purchase the tome with a character that meets the reputation requirements and then mail it to your hunter. Pandaren hunters can tame Cloud Serpents without the tome, by the way.
- There is also good news for undead hunters. They will be able to tame undead beasts like zombie devil dinosaurs in the near future. Hunters of other races, on the other hand, will have to wait until the release of WoW: Shadowlands. After all, they will only acquire the secret knowledge of the undead via the tome Simple Tome of Bone-Binding. Where exactly the book comes from is not yet known. However, there are hints that you can find or capture the item somewhere in Maldraxxus.
At this point, we don't want to deprive you of the highlights of the new pets that you can grab in new areas of WoW Shadowlands. The mechanical cats of Bastion, the undead chimeras of Maldraxxus, the magical Vulpin and the eerie guard dogs of Torghast are the new additions to the great animal companion collection. The image below are examples. The new beasts naturally come in different colors in the wild.
New pets from the new areas of WoW Shadowlands.
Source: Wowhead
What do you think about the new companions? Which hunter pet are you most excited about? And what do you think of the tome system? Is the solution with the books fair or should all hunters be allowed to tame all new creatures without prerequisites? Write us!
Source: WowheadSupport
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