WoW: Blizzard's co-lead praises own sell runs - fans are angry

Blizzard's new co-lead Mike Ybarra quickly endeared himself to the WoW community shortly after his introduction, showing that he seems to be one of the few people in charge who plays WoW at a high level, but also sometimes struggles through the LFR.
However, he now put his first big foot in his mouth with one of his tweets. He tweeted, "Will probably be streaming our sale run (Sanctum of Domination heroic) and high level Mythic Plus dungeons today. "
Recommended Editorial ContentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeds will not be displayed until you confirm this by clicking "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in ourprivacy policy.Once again, he wanted to show he was actively playing. However, the point with the sell run was anything but well received in the community.
Sellruns for gold are not forbidden in WoW (buy now 14,99 € )
, but are seen by some players as a big part of what is going wrong in WoW right now. Yet sellruns have existed since WoW even existed.Recommended EditorialContentThisiswhere you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external content will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in ourprivacy policy.With gold, players can buy "boosts" in PvP, for Mythic-Plus, or even for Raids. Depending on which difficulty level you buy and how much equipment you are given during a run, it sometimes costs more and sometimes less.
Go to article: Blizzard bans advertising in group search for in-game offers like sell runs
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in ourprivacy policy.This inevitably leads to a situation where you can't tell the skill level of some players from their gear, or from their achievements. In addition, players are annoyed by annoying boost offers in the dungeon browser and sometimes in the trade chat. In the past, the issue has often been raised that half of the dungeon browser for Mythic Plus dungeons consists of boost groups. In addition, this naturally creates the impression that WoW would be Pay2Win, because you can buy a WoW token for 20 euros, which you can legally convert into gold (price currently around 315,000 gold).
Mike Ybarra will now have to put on the shoe. Even though boosts have always been part of everyday life in WoW, it's a bit strange when sales runs are touted by the co-lead of the studio developing the game.
Do you think it's weird of the Blizzard co-lead to admit to participating in sell runs? We are looking forward to your opinion in the comments.
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