WoW Shadowlands becomes much more twink-friendly - we like that

In the past few days, we got a glimpse of the upcoming WoW Shadowlands beta and were able to try out some things for ourselves that will soon be coming to all players. At the same time, the developers revealed all kinds of news about the upcoming expansion in various interviews. They seem to follow up the words of the last BlizzCon and make Shadowlands much more pleasant for all those who like to play with twinks in the game. They announced back then that there would be no endless grind to make your character permanently stronger, which made every minute on a twink feel like neglecting your main character. While a look at the beta shows that it's not quite like that, as there's still plenty to farm that you can spend hour after hour on, everything has been scaled back significantly compared to Legion and BfA. And many other systems that could be tried out now and many other announcements go in the same direction. The developers are doing a lot to make Shadowlands more fun to be around with a twink.
Table of Contents
.- 1Levelingin the Shadowlands, Catch-Ups and Legendarys
- 2Flyingwithout reputation and level experience
- 3Twink friendlinessis also sorely needed!
, Catch-Ups and Legendarys
This way, leveling your second character is already much more pleasant, since you can (at least that's what was announced some time ago) join a pact with your Twinks already at the start of your journey in the Shadowlands. The world quests are also supposed to be unlocked directly. So you can already use your pact skills on the way through the four areas and earn resources and recognition from the chosen pact. In practice, this means that at level 60, you'll already be much further along than you were with your first char. So you don't have to play through the entire pact campaign after leveling up.
The allied races are popular twink races thanks to the traditional armor.
Source: Blizzard
In addition, the developers announced many more catch-up mechanics for the various features of the pacts, but without going into detail. Twinks should be able to get conduits for their soul mate easier and faster, and get faster access to the improvements of your pact's home. Whether this will all be done simply account-wide, or you will be helped in other ways, the developers don't know yet (or they didn't want to tell us).
What Game Director Ion Hazzikostas already revealed, however, is that the blueprints for the different Legendarys will be unlocked account-wide. If you have captured the template for creating a legendary effect on a certain boss, then all of your twinks will be able to forge this effect on their legendary items as well. Not only does this make it easier for twinks to start out, since they can immediately craft Legendarys (after gathering the materials from Torghast), but it also takes a lot of random factor out of the game. Another point that many players will be happy about.
Flying without reputation and level experience
Two other adjustments also make life easier for twinks. For example, there is the completely new level experience. After the starting area, you play through a complete expansion from beginning to end and then switch to the Shadowlands. Players who have otherwise only experienced fractions of different stories can now finally experience a whole story from beginning to end without the journey taking longer. On the contrary, it should even be faster than before. This could be an incentive for one or the other to play more characters to the maximum level.
Also the fact that you don't have to farm reputation for flying in the shadow lands anymore can be called twink-friendly. Instead of being "forced" to do hundreds of daily quests with a single character in order to get the necessary reputation, you can now invest your time in your twinks without hesitation. According to the developers, playing through the Pact campaign is enough to unlock flying in a later patch.
Twink-friendliness is also bitterly necessary!
However, playing
inShadowlands is also bitterly necessary. The reason for this is once again the pacts. Each of the four pacts has its own unique storyline. According to executive producer John Hight, however, there will be no way to experience the story of the other pacts. Unless you leave your pact and join a new one. However, this means that you'll have to unlock different things there again and accept gameplay losses, which is why few players will probably do this. So what remains is the possibility of playing four different characters and placing each one with a different pact. In Battle for Azeroth, two characters were enough (Horde and Alliance), while in Legion you would have needed 12 different characters - one of each class. However, since twinking should be much more convenient in Shadowlands, the annoyance about this fact should be smaller than in the past expansions.
With the buyable essences at MOTHER, the game became more pleasant for twinks in BfA.
Source: buffed
In general, they seem to have finally learned from Legion and BfA, when the accusation of being twink unfriendly could be read and heard everywhere. Already with the current end of BfA, the developers are trying to make twinking easier. Purchasable essences, reduced requirements for various content, and massive catch-up mechanics for the Heart of Azeroth and the Legendary Cloak are examples here.
do you guys think? Is Blizzard going in the right direction here? Or do you rather think that Twinks should be worth the same effort as the main character and all forms of facilitation are nonsense?
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