WoW: Server mergers are imminent - off to Blackhand

After we have already reported several times about planned server mergers of WoW and the resulting displeasure within the community, there is now finally clarity. Blizzard has announced in a Bluepost which German servers will be linked together first.
Server mergers on August 5 in WoW
The developers want to merge the following realms during scheduled maintenance on August 05, 2020 between 0:00 and 08:00 German time:
- The Gilneas and Ulduar servers merge with Destromath, Gorgonnash, Mannoroth, Nefarian, and Nera'thor.
- The servers Lizard's Cauldron (Coilfang), Mal'Ganis, and Taerar are merging with Blackhand.
The German WoW community is asking itself two questions in light of these mergers:
1. Why is Blizzard migrating individual servers with Blackhand, of all things, a realm that already has a very high load? Many players would find it much more sensible to merge with servers that have a medium or maximum load.
. What will happen to The Night League and Death Circle?
Thereis no clear answer to either question yet. We assume, however, that the latter realms will be combined with a later server link.
More servers will be combined in the next weeks
Blizzard has in fact announced that the developers are planning "further realm linking for realms with low population density" and that the community can expect more information on this in the coming weeks. We will keep you updated on the corresponding development and inform you about changes in a timely manner. Until then, let us know what you think about the server mergers and post it in the comments!
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