WoW Shadowlands: No more day/night cycle - The community is divided

When you enter World of Warcraft Shadowlands, you don't even notice it at first. But then you glance at the clock, which is already showing 9 p.m., and you ask yourself: Wait, something is missing here, isn't it? Of course, it's still as bright as noon, and it hasn't rained yet either! Then you think further and it dawns on you that these effects are of course irrelevant in the realm of death in which the expansion takes place.
To avoid too much "culture shock", the developers have adapted the designs or illumination of the four different Pact zones according to their themes
Thus, eternal twilight reigns in Revendreth, eternal day in Bastion, and the Ardenwald and Maldraxxus lie somewhere in between. Weather effects, if any, are only moderate. The change is already being heavily discussed in the community, and we would therefore like to know what you think of it!
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