•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: You've never seen Azeroth like this before! Fan builds the big world map in 3D

The game world of World of Warcraft has literally outgrown its borders. Besides Azeroth, there are countless worlds out there that we've already visited or know nothing about yet. But even though our desire to explore is endless, we are always drawn back to Azeroth, where our first adventure once began. We can see just how large the map of Azeroth has become with the latest work of artist Kruithne (aka Kru). She released a comprehensive 3D map of Azeroth a few days ago, showing all the areas discovered so far. Her version of Azeroth consists of all the cartographic data from WoW, which the artist painstakingly pieced together in a sandboxed version. Check out Twitter for all the preview images of the map and associated links to the full version of the world map.

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Work on Project Azeroth continues

Seeing Azeroth from a new perspective is especially exciting because we miss a lot of beautiful details in the game even while flying. Our personal highlights are Northrend and the Isle of Pandaria. The Devastated Isles also look interesting on the map. Look at how big and gorgeous the magical night elf city of Suramar is! The only area missing is the Nazjatar zone. Kru promises that she will revise the map as soon as possible and bring it up to date.

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"There were a few complications, but despite having plans on how to fix them, I couldn't realistically allot any more time to this so it ended up getting left out."

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Merging Plaguelands from WoW (buy now 14,99 € )

Classic and Blood Elf Zone from Burning Crussade was a particular challenge. Originally, both areas were strictly separated spatially, so the borders of Quel'Thalas didn't really fit the classic world. However, the artist solved the problem quite cleverly and added some elements like passes and mountains to the map. Kru used the same strategy when working on Silithus and put the wound Sargeras inflicted on Azeroth at the end of WoW Legion into the classic map with some completions.Support buffed - it'll only take a minute. Thanks!

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