•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Paladins vs. death knights! Argent guards warn at the pre-event

WoW: Shadowlands is all about death. Bolvar and the Knights of the Black Blade head to the Shadowlands to challenge Sylvanas and the mighty Dungeon Master. In the process, the former Lich King and his Death Knights forget that they still have an old score to settle with the Paladins. In the pre-event of WoW: Shadowlands, the guards of the Argent Crusade remind the Death Knight heroes once again how fragile the truce between the two orders is. So Blizzard's authors don't just drop this part of the WoW story, but possibly continue it at the end of Shadowlands.

Again, as a reminder, in the course of their Order Hall campaign in WoW (buy now €14.99 ): Legion, the Death Knight heroes brought notable Horde and Alliance heroes like Nazgrim and Thoras Trollbane out of their graves to make them the new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In their search for the fourth Horseman, the Death Knights of the Black Blade did not even stop at the Chapel of Hopeful Light. After all, the Lich King chose the legendary paladin Tirion Fordring, who died in battle against the Legion shortly before, as the last rider. You probably know: Tirion was the one who broke Frostmourne and struck down Arthas. Making Tirion a Death Knight would have been a declaration of war on all the paladins of Azeroth. And although the mission ended in a fiasco, the bloodshed in the chapel will surely have a nasty aftermath.

WoW: Paladins vs. death knights! Argent Guards Warn Death Knights at Pre-Event (1) Source: buffed Shortly before the release of WoW: Shadowlands, our fears from back then are coming true. The paladins of the Argent Crossing, who are currently patrolling the capitals, do not take kindly to Death Knight heroes. If a Death Knight player approaches an Argent guard in Orgrimmar or Stormwind, an interesting dialogue text comes up:

"Don't think I've forgotten what the Knights of the Black Blade tried to do in the Chapel of Hopeful Light. We may not be enemies, but we are not allies either."

The paladins have not forgotten the Death Knights' attack on their greatest sanctuary, nor have they forgiven that outrage. And the sting of betrayal runs deep! After all, Arthas had already taken great pleasure in turning paladins of the Silver Hand into Death Knights during the Third War. Darion Mograine was the first Death Knight to defy Arthas and free the Death Knights from the Lich King's yoke. The battle against the Scourge united the Paladins and the Knights of the Black Blade for a short time. But it was only a matter of time before both orders took up arms against each other.

In WoW: Shadowlands, Bolvar Fordragon, Darion Mograine and the Death Knights once again take center stage in the story. The Paladins also move to the Shadowlands, but after the death of Tirion, they lack a strong leader. Imagine that in WoW: Shadowlands a paladin emerges as a leader who radically follows the Doctrine of Light. We have already taken a closer look at this gloomy vision of the future in a special. Will the new High Lord settle the old score with the Knights of the Black Blade at the end of WoW: Shadowlands and call for a final crusade against all undead?

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