•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Patch 8.3: War Gleven of Azzinoth only for demon hunters as Transmog

WoW Patch 8.3 not only brings a lot of news to the game, but is also supposed to captivate us with an exciting story that revolves around the rise of the Old God N'Zoth and the return of the Black Empire. However, one of the big highlights for the upcoming update, which will be released on January 15, is the revamped transmog system that will unlock all Legendarys for transmogrification.

Really all Legendarys? Well, Blizzard has decided to put a restriction on it after all. According to the patch notes for Patch 8.3, the exception rule affects the Gleven of Azzinoth, which will only be available for Demon Hunters to transmog in the future. The original message reads:

Many legendary weapons are now transmogrifiable.
Developers' note: The Warglaives of Azzinoth dropped from Illidan in Black Temple are the one exception, as a custom method for Demon Hunters in particular to obtain this transmog appearance already exists through Black Temple Timewalking, and we do not want to diminish the value of that unique reward.


Many legendary weapons are now transmogrifiable.
Developer Note: The War Gleven of Azzinoth that Illidan drops as loot in the Black Temple are the only exception. The reason for this is Demon Hunters can already obtain this Transmog template via the Timewalk event in the Black Temple. We do not want to diminish the value of this achievement and its unique reward.

This means that while Warriors, Rogues, Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters will still be able to obtain the Gleven in the Black Temple, only Gleven wielders will be able to access the Transmog template - and only after they have mastered the Time Walk achievement I'll Take Care of It Until You're Out. This leaves the other classes, who can theoretically carry the wargleven but can't transmogrify, out on a limb.

What do you think? Do you think this is fair because the achievement with the transmog template already exists for demon hunters? Or should Blizzard have released the legendary Gleven for the other classes that can carry these weapons?


us know your opinion in the comments!

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