WoW: Asmongold believes "massive changes are coming".

What's the future of World of Warcraft amidst declining player numbers, increasing competition, and internal scandals at developer Blizzard? That's exactly the question Twitch streamer Asmongold has been asking himself - and he has a very clear opinion.
Asmongold: "The team has no idea what they're doing".
The streamer speculated in a recent livestream while playing Final Fantasy 14 Online, how it could go on with the online role-playing game in the future. His opinion: fans should be prepared for some extensive changes. The reason for this is obvious to Asmongold:
"The reality is that the team working onWoW (buy now €14.99 )has no idea what they're doing. You don't just lose 50 percent of the player base and then be able to claim you know what you're doing. You just can't. That's all, you just don't know what you're doing [...].
"Asmongold also has concrete ideas about what might happen next:
"The game is going to go in one of two directions: [...] Either the game goes into some kind of super-maintenance mode where it comes as a mobile version and becomes Free2Play and [...] they add microtransactions, and they pull as much money out of the game as they can before they shut it down. And then maybe they'll make a Warcraft game, Warcraft 4 in five years or something. That would be fine too, if it means we get WoW 2 after that. But what I think is going to happen is they're going to completely restructure what they're going to do with the game. [...] I think the next big patch notes are going to include really freaking big changes. [...] It's going to be insane! [...] The people in charge of WoW aren't stupid, really. They see exactly what's happening. And they also see that they can still pump money out of the game while keeping it a good game. It's not mutually exclusive. So I think that level of failure will get the attention of the leadership at Blizzard, and the leadership will then restructure the way content is generated. [...] It will either get significantly better or significantly worse! But it's not going to keep going down this path. One wayor another."
So Asmongold seems pretty sure WoW fans are in for a major shakeup. What do you guys think about that? Do you agree with the Twitch streamer? Or do you think his opinion is nonsense? Let us know in the comments!
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