•   Wednesday, January 22, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW: Season 4 of Battle for Azeroth begins on January 22 - Survival Guide

With the scheduled maintenance for World of Warcraft on January 22, 2020, the second part of patch 8.3 will be released. The following content awaits you:

  • The new Ny'alotha raid is now available on Normal and Heroic difficulty levels.
  • Season 4 begins.
  • The item levels of rewards for seasonal activities (dungeons, PvP, world quests) have been increased by 30 and they can now be corrupted by N'Zoth.
  • Dungeon difficulty has been increased on Heroic and Mythic difficulty.
  • This week, rewards for Mythic keystone dungeons and rated PvP have a maximum item level of 445 (for Mythic +6 or PvP rank 2).
  • Reward chests for mythic keystone dungeons or PvP opened this week will contain rewards equivalent to those from the previous week of Season 3, but may be warforged or titanforged.
  • The item level for weekly rewards now increases up to Mythic +15. For this difficulty level, you will receive an item with item level 475 in the weekly reward chest. This chest can be opened starting January 28.
  • Dark Coast Warfront now has a Heroic difficulty that grants item level 460 rewards. Please note: Heroic difficulty will become available in every region from the first Warfront after the start of Season 4.
  • Any items that are not updated for Season 4 (for example, items from the Eternal Palace or Heroic Warfront Arathi) can continue to be warforged or titanforged, but not corrupted, up to a maximum item level of 455.
  • Titan Residuum is available again.
  • The prices of all items that can be purchased with Titan Residuum have been adjusted. This includes the new items from Season 4.
  • A weekly reward chest for Mythic +10 grants 1,700 Titan Residue. Each additional level increases this value by another 90 titanic residuum. For example, Mythic +15 will grant you 2,150 Titan Residue.
  • Tokens for specific items with item level 475 cost 20,000 Titan Residuum. Tokens for random items with item level 475 cost 4,750 Titan Residuum.

For the full patch 8.3 notes, check out this article, and below you can see the official Battle for Azeroth Season 4 Survival Guide.

WoW: Survival Guide for Season 4 World of Warcraft from €14.99

More info, specials and videos about World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ) can be found on our WoW theme page.

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