•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Shadowlands: Blizzard wants to adjust the conduit system, but does not know how

WoW's game director Ion Hazzikostas announced in an interview with the streamer Preach (via Wowhead) that the developers want to rework the conduit system of WoW Shadowlands. The team is apparently not satisfied with how players can currently manage the change of conduits.


revision, however, turns out to be quite difficult according to Hazzikostas: The developers want to design the conduit system in such a way that players can still change their decision even after a choice has been made


However, this flexibility should not mean that players are allowed to swap conduits before every boss or every dungeon.

There should be no "annoying grind", says Blizzard

However, Blizzard itself does not know exactly how this can work at the moment. Hazzikostas said in detail:

"You talked about the so-called mythic tax - a semi-permanent design that [...] stays flexible through a lot of annoying grind [...] - that's a recipe for frustration. Our goal was to encourage a meaningful decision where your character gets stronger in one way and weaker in another, and to have that kind of decision feel meaningful except when you do this one annoying thing for a few hours a week and get the best of both worlds. We know where that's going, we've seen that with Azerite respeccing.

We've seen [conduits] take the same path. We've seen the discussion of fans saying, 'Hey, they make them just like essences,' which are also exactly in the mode that you can choose them per Encounter [...]. You're kind of evaluating before each encounter, in addition to your talents, your specialization, in addition to all of that, which of these many different conduits you want to activate [...]. The game doesn't need more of that, and we're trying to find some sort of middle ground that it's a semi-permanent decision, you enjoy flexibility, but you still can't switch from boss to boss or dungeon to dungeon. But we also don't want there to be an overriding tax or penalty or some really annoying thing that you have to do, because we know if that's an option, you're going to do it for optimization. We can't announce a solution to that yet. "

So Blizzard is aware of the optimization grind issue - and apparently doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the Azerite system

in any way.

What do you think about it? Write us your opinion in the comments!

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