•   Saturday, February 8, 2025
World of Warcraft

WoW Shadowlands: Too much leveled - Trapped in the new starting area

At the latest after the legendary Pandaren Doubleagent, who never left the Pandaren starting area and reached every expansion max level by collecting herbs and ores without joining a faction, WoW players have taken a liking to this kind of leveling process.

On the PTR for Shadowlands, Redditor Cmdr_B_Hawkins_Jr had similar plans as the Doubleagent. He wanted to test to what level the mobs in the new scenario for WoW newbies (Isle of the Banished) scale. The answer: up to level 10. There are also no ores and herbs on the island, let alone profession teachers. The scenario is rather designed up to level 9 or 10, after which you will be sent off the island to your respective capitals (Orgrimmar / Stormwind), depending on the faction. So laboriously playing your way up to maximum level in the starting area is not possible in this case - sorry, double agents.

WoW Shadowlands: The new character creation in video World of Warcraft from €14.99

At level 14, the editor then decided to complete the last quests on the island. After an introduction to the basics of WoW (buy now €14.99), the game experience for new players on the Isle of the Banished ends with a visit to a dungeon, for which you sign up alone and play with two NPCs.

The crux: At the latest with level 13, the level for the registration via the dungeon tool is too high


If this happens to you, you'll be trapped on the island of the exiles forever! Of course, this is not intended and the editor has already reported the error on the test realm as a bug.

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